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Полигон-2 »   Старый софт »   Реликтовое сетевое ПО

Реликтовое сетевое ПО

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Всего сообщений: 5443
Рейтинг пользователя: 0


Дата регистрации на форуме:
12 дек. 2006
Также, в немецкой версии статьи о Microsoft LAN Manager перечислены следующие версии:
  • 1987 - MS LAN Manager 1.0 (Basic/Enhanced)
  • 1989 - MS LAN Manager 1.1
  • 1991 - MS LAN Manager 2.0
  • 1992 - MS LAN Manager 2.1
  • 1992 - MS LAN Manager 2.1a
  • 1993 - MS LAN Manager 2.2
  • 1994 - MS LAN Manager 2.2a

Всего сообщений: 5443
Рейтинг пользователя: 0


Дата регистрации на форуме:
12 дек. 2006
И ещё можно вспомнить "Kermit", созданный в Columbia University.

MS-DOS Kermit runs directly under DOS 2.0 and later and under Microsoft Windows 3.11 or earlier.
MS-DOS Kermit supports communication through serial ports, a wide variety of local networking methods (like NetBIOS, BAPI, DECnet, NASI, SuperLAT, TELAPI, and TES, plus it has its own built-in TCP/IP stack and Telnet client. Modem dialing is accomplished with modem-specific dialing scripts


Kermit is the name of a file-transfer and -management protocol and a suite of computer programs for many types of computers that implements that protocol as well as other communication functions ranging from terminal emulation to automation of communications tasks through a high-level cross-platform scripting language. The software is transport-independent, operating over TCP/IP connections in traditional clear-text mode or secured by SSH, SSL/TLS, or Kerberos IV or V, as well as over serial-port connections, modems, and other communication methods (X.25, DECnet, various LAN protocols such as NETBIOS and LAT, parallel ports, etc, on particular platforms).

The Kermit Project was founded at the Columbia University Computer Center (now CUIT) in 1981 to meet a specific need, and until the mid- to late 1990s, Kermit was Columbia's standard desktop connectivity software, used universally by students, faculty, and staff to connect from desktop microcomputers, PCs, Macintoshes, and Unix workstations to the central computing facilities: the IBM mainframes (1963-present), the DECSYSTEM-20s (1977-1988), CLIO (Columbia's first online library information system, 1984-2003), and Cunix (our Unix-based servers, 1986-present), and to departmental VAXes, PDP-11s, Suns, and other minicomputers. In the early days of microcomputers and PCs but before widespread deployment of local area networks and desktop workstations that connected to them, Kermit software linked the desktop to e-mail, bulletin boards, file sharing, text processing, messaging, and other aspects of the new on-line culture that is now taken for granted, long before the experience was available at most other institutions. At Columbia, the DEC-20s and the departmental minicomputers are long gone and the IBM mainframes are now only for backoffice use, but Kermit software is still used for SSH sessions from the desktop to CUNIX, and by the technical staff for system and network administration tasks; for example, configuring racks full of HP blade servers as they arrive, management of the University's telephone system, CGI scripting, alpha paging of on-call staff, and so on.
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