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Полигон-2 » Hardware » Разьем клавиатуры AMSTRAD 1640 |
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Guest1 |
Сообщение отправлено: 25 сентября 2002 23:32
Разьем клавиатуры AMSTRAD 1640. На 6 контактов, 6-й посередине!! Помогите распиновкой |
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тех.адм. Откуда: Tallinn, Estonia Всего сообщений: 1533 Рейтинг пользователя: 0 Ссылка Дата регистрации на форуме: 4 нояб. 2001 |
На тот случай, если ты думаешь заменить клавиатуру на AT-шную, привожу вот эту выдержку: I got this from Cliff Lawson's Amstrad site, sorry about the crappy formatting: When we first produced an IBM PC compatible (the 1512 in 1986) we were extremely anxious not to upset IBM in any way so we made sure that we didn't infringe any of their patents. One of the few parts of the original IBM design that is actually patented is the keyboard interface so we went out of our way to design a new keyboard interface that is quite different both in the electronic signals used and the protocols of the signals. We used our own proprietary design of keyboard on all the following PCs: 1512, 1640, 1286, 1386, 2086, 2286, 2386, 33286, 3386 and 4386. From the 5xxx series of machines onwards we did what every other PC manufacturer was then doing - using IBM PS/2 compatible keyboards and mice so those machine's keyboards are "industry standard" Therefore the answer to the two questions - "Can I use an IBM PC keyboard on any of those early models" and "Can a keyboard from any of those early models be used on some other PC" is a definite NO. It is NOT as simple as just changing the plug on the cable! If you have an Amstrad PC and the keyboard breaks you will need to get a new keyboard from here (Because our PCs were so popular there were a few companies that made "Amstrad compatible" keyboards but I'm not sure if any of these is still in existence). |
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Полигон-2 » Hardware » Разьем клавиатуры AMSTRAD 1640 |
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