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Дома решил избавится от старых залежей видеокарт и видеоускорителей ВУДУ WOODU 3DFX У одной из карт нет электролитического конденсатора - но должна быть рабочей ![]() ![]() PCI Ge Force MX440 64 RAM BANSHI 16MB - рабочесть под вопросом Видеокарта ATI с модулем памяти - рабочесть под вопросом от 4 до 8МБ Цена - за кучу - 3000 руб 2 штуки материнки формата ITX , промышленного исполнения , рабочие, надо менять батарейки Процессор -1Ггц, память ноутбучная SDRAM(могу продать отдельно) Очень капризные в настройках( я не победил ![]() ![]() Отправка за счет покупателя User’s Software Manual 786LCD/S, 786LCD/MG, 786LCD/3.5”, 786LCD/ST Boards Ver. 1.4 – 14. November. 2002. Copyright Notice : Copyright Ó 2002, KONTRON Technology A/S, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of KONTRON Technology A/S. Trademark Acknowledgement : Brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Disclaimer : KONTRON Technology A/S reserves the right to make changes, without notice, to any product, including circuits and/or software described or contained in this manual in order to improve design and/or performance. KONTRON Technology assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of the described product(s), conveys no license or title under any patent, copyright, or mask work rights to these products, and makes no representations or warranties that these products are free from patent, copyright, or mask work right infringement, unless otherwise specified. Applications that are described in this manual are for illustration purposes only. KONTRON Technology A/S makes no representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification. Life Support Policy KONTRON Technology’s PRODUCTS ARE NOT FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE GENERAL MANAGER OF KONTRON Technology A/S. As used herein : 1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into body, or (b) support or sustain life and whose failure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labelling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user. 2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. Document revision history. Revision Date By Comment 1.0 1. Aug. 2000 PJA Initial release. 1.1 12. Jan. 2001 PJA Manual updated. 1.2 20. Feb. 2001 PJA Manual updated. 1.3 22. Aug. 2002 JSN Manual updated. 786LCD/ST info added. 1.4 14. Nov. 2002 JSN Manual updated. Driver installation corrections. KONTRON Technology A/S. Page i Table of contents 1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................ 1 2. BIOS CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................... 2 2.1 Entry to the BIOS setup....................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Configuration screen overview............................................................................................ 2 2.3 Main section .......................................................................................................................... 5 2.3.1 Harddisk configuration .................................................................................................... 6 2.3.2 Boot Options .................................................................................................................... 8 2.3.3 Keyboard configuration ................................................................................................... 9 2.4 Inside section ....................................................................................................................... 11 2.4.1 Supervision Setup .......................................................................................................... 12 2.4.2 Display Setup ................................................................................................................. 14 2.5 Advanced section ................................................................................................................ 16 2.5.1 ISA Configuration.......................................................................................................... 17 2.5.2 Memory cache................................................................................................................ 18 2.5.3 PCI Configuration .......................................................................................................... 20 2.5.4 Advanced Chipset Control............................................................................................. 21 2.5.5 I/O device configuration ................................................................................................ 25 2.5.6 Serial port setup. ............................................................................................................ 27 2.6 Security section ................................................................................................................... 28 2.7 Power section....................................................................................................................... 29 2.8 Boot section.......................................................................................................................... 30 2.9 Exit section .......................................................................................................................... 31 2.10 RPL Netboot server setup (786LCD/S, /MG and /3.5”)............................................... 33 2.11 PXE Netboot server setup (786LCD/ST)....................................................................... 37 2.12 BIOS Post Beep Codes .................................................................................................... 38 3. DRIVER INSTALLATION AND SW UTILITIES. ...................................................... 39 3.1 786LCD Video Installation ................................................................................................ 39 3.1.1 Windows 98 ................................................................................................................... 39 3.1.2 Windows 2000 & Windows XP..................................................................................... 39 3.1.3 Windows NT40.............................................................................................................. 39 3.1.4 SIS AGP Driver installation (Win2K, WinXP, Win98) ................................................ 39 3.1.5 Installing Plasma support ............................................................................................... 40 3.1.6 Dual Display limitations ................................................................................................ 40 KONTRON Technology A/S. Page ii 3.2 Network Installation........................................................................................................... 40 3.2.1 Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP.................................................................. 40 3.2.2 Windows NT40.............................................................................................................. 41 3.3 Audio Installation. .............................................................................................................. 42 3.3.1 Windows 98 ................................................................................................................... 42 3.3.2 Windows NT 4.0............................................................................................................ 42 3.3.3 Windows 2000, Windows XP........................................................................................ 42 3.4 Wake On Lan...................................................................................................................... 43 3.5 M-System............................................................................................................................. 43 3.6 KONTRON API Interface ................................................................................................. 44 3.6.1 Installation...................................................................................................................... 44 3.7 Windows CE.Net O/S Support .......................................................................................... 47 3.7.1 Current 786LCD Windows CE.Net Support: ................................................................ 48 3.7.2 786LCD Board Support Package Installation................................................................ 49 3.7.3 Installing the WinCE.Net boot loader............................................................................ 50 3.7.4 Using the WinCE.Net boot loader ................................................................................. 50 3.8 Kontron Technology 786LCD Hardware API for WinCE.Net ...................................... 53 3.8.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 53 3.8.2 Installation...................................................................................................................... 53 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 1 of 54 1. Introduction This manual describes the software configuration of the 786LCD/S, 786LCD/ST, 786LCD/MG, and 786LCD/3.5” boards made by KONTRON Technology A/S. These boards are based on the SIS630(ST) Chipset supporting the Pentium Celeron and Pentium-III Processors. Use of this manual implies a basic knowledge of PC-AT hard- and software. This manual is focused on describing the 786LCD Board’s special features and is not intended to be a standard PC-AT textbook. The software manual consists of two main sections: · BIOS configuration. Which describe the configuration of the basic operation environment of the board. Examples of such configurations are Harddisk identification, Peripheral port configuration and additional features provided by Kontron Technology A/S. · Driver installation for Windows 98, NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP and WINCE.net. For a hardware description of the board (e.g. connector layout and signal definition), refer to the hardware manual. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 2 of 54 2. BIOS configuration This section describes the BIOS configuration in the 786 board family. The BIOS is based on Phoenix PicoBIOS v. 4.0 which is extended with additional configuration items in order to support the extra features which are provided on this board. The setup is divided in a hierarchy based on menu selections. This organisation provides a good overview of the configurable options of the board. For each setup screen a configuration table showing possible settings is shown. Settings shown in Bold font is the default setting. 2.1 Entry to the BIOS setup The BIOS setup may be entered in two ways: · On user request by pressing >F2> or >Del>during or after the memory check · In case of incorrect configuration values. The user may in this case continue by pressing >F1> or enter the setup by pressing >F2>. The configuration is described in the following sections in a structure reflecting the hierarchy in the menus/screens. 2.2 Configuration screen overview PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Main INSIDE Utilities Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Item Specific Help ???? ?? System Time: System Date: Legacy Diskette A: Legacy Diskette B: Setup FSB/DRAM speed Local Bus IDE Adapter: Primary Master Primary Slave Secondary Master Secondary Slave Boot Options Keyboard Features System Memory Extended Memory [13:00:17] [12/11/1998] [1.44/1.25 MB 3½”] [Disabled] [100/100] [Both] [None] [None] [None] [None] 640 KB 48128 KB F1 Help ?? Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults Esc Exit ?? Select Menu Enter Select ? Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 3 of 54 The Menu Bar The Menu Bar at the top of the window lists these selections : Main Use this menu for basic system configuration. Inside Utilities Use this menu for configuration of special features implemented by Kontron. Advanced Use this menu to set the Advanced Features available on your system's chipset. Security Use this menu to set User and Supervisor Passwords and the Backup and Virus- Check reminders. Power Use this menu to configure Power-Management Features. Boot Use this menu to set the Boot sequence. Exit Exits the current menu. Use the left / right > ¬ > / > ® > arrow keys to make a selection. See the section below, "Exiting Setup" for a description on exiting the Main Menu. The Legend Bar Use the keys listed in the legend bar on the bottom to make your selections or exit the current menu. The chart on the following page describes the legend keys and their alternates : Key Function >F1> or >Alt- H> General Help window (See below). >Esc> Exit this menu. > ¬ > or > ® > arrow keys Select a different menu. > > or > ¯ > arrow keys Move cursor up and down. >Tab> or >Shift- Tab> Cycle cursor up and down. >Home> or >End> Move cursor to top or bottom of window. >PgUp> or >PgDn> Move cursor to next or previous page. >F5> or >-> Select the Previous Value for the field. >F6> or >+> or >Space> Select the Next Value for the field. >F9> Load the Default Configuration values for this menu. >F10> Load the Previous Configuration values for this menu. >Enter> Execute Command or Select Submenu. >Alt-R> Refresh screen. To select an item, use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the field you want. Then use the plusand- minus value keys to select a value for that field. The Save Values command in the Exit Menu saves the values currently displayed in all the menus. To display a sub menu, use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the sub menu you want. Then press >Enter>. A pointer “?” marks all sub menus. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 4 of 54 The Field Help Window The help window on the right side of each menu displays the help text for the currently selected field. It updates as you move the cursor to each field. The General Help Window Pressing >F1> or >Alt- H> on any menu brings up the General Help window that describes the legend keys and their alternates: The scroll bar on the right of any window indicates that there is more than one page of information in the window. Use >PgUp> and >PgDn> to display all the pages. Pressing >Home> and >End> displays the first and last page. Pressing >Enter> displays each page and then exits the window. Press >Esc> to exit the current window. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 5 of 54 2.3 Main section PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Main INSIDE Utilities Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Item Specific Help ???? ?? System Time: System Date: Legacy Diskette A: Legacy Diskette B: Setup FSB/DRAM speed Local Bus IDE Adapter: Primary Master Primary Slave Secondary Master Secondary Slave Boot Options Keyboard Features System Memory Extended Memory [13:00:17] [12/11/1998] [1.44/1.25 MB 3½”] [Disabled] [100/100] [Both] [None] [None] [None] [None] 640 KB 48128 KB F1 Help ?? Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults Esc Exit ?? Select Menu Enter Select ? Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit Main Menu Selections You can make the following selections on the Main Menu itself. Use the sub menus for other selections. Feature Options Description System Time HH:MM:SS Set the system time. System Date MM/DD/YYYY Set the system date. Legacy Diskette A: Legacy Diskette B: Disabled 360 Kb, 5 ¼" 1.2 MB, 5 ¼" 720 kB, 3 ½" 1.44/ 1.25 MB, 3 ½" 2.88 MB, 3 ½" Not installed Select the type of floppy- disk drive installed in your system. Setup the FSB/DRAM Speed 66/66 66/100 100/100 133/100 133/133 Select the Frontside Bus Speed / SDRAM Speed (FSB/SDRAM in MHz). After setting the desired speed, save and exit. At next boot the new setting will take effect. Check that your CPU and SDRAM support the speed before applying the setting. Displayed settings depend on board type. Local Bus IDE Adapter Disabled, Primary, Secondary, Both. Enables the integrated local bus IDE adapter. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 6 of 54 Primary Master, Primary Slave, Secondary Master, Secondary Slave** Sub-menu Setup parameters for specific adapters. Boot Options Sub-menu Contain different boot options. Keyboard Features Sub-menu Setup concerning the keyboard. System Memory N/A Displays amount of conventional memory detected during bootup. Extended Memory N/A Displays the amount of extended memory detected during bootup. ** The Secondary Slave is Disabled as default, must be set as Auto to auto detect device attached. 2.3.1 Harddisk configuration You can set the boot sequence of the bootable drives by selecting Boot Sequence on the Main Menu or opening the Boot Menu. Masters and Slaves The Master and Slave settings on the Main Menu control these types of devices : · Hard- disk drives · CD- ROM drives Phoenix BIOS 4.04 supports up to two IDE disk adapters, called primary and secondary adapters. Each adapter supports one master drive and one optional slave drive in these possible combinations : · 1 Master · 1 Master, 1 Slave · 2 Masters · 2 Masters, 1 Slave · 2 Masters, 2 Slaves On the 786LCD boards the primary IDE channel is offered through the IDE1 connector and supports one master and one slave drive. The secondary IDE channel is offered through the IDE2 connector and supports one master and one slave with no Compact flash inserted. If a Compact Flash is inserted in the backside slot the secondary channel master drive will be unavailable on the IDE2. It is not possible to detect a Slave device if no Master devices are attached. It is not possible to use a CDROM drive set as Master device. When you enter Setup, the Main Menu displays the results of Autotyping– each drive provides information about its own size and other characteristics– and how they are arranged as Masters or Slaves on your machine. Note: Do not attempt to change these settings unless you have an installed drive that does not autotype properly (such as an older hard- disk drive that does not support autotyping). 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 7 of 54 If you need to change your drive settings, use one of the Master or Slave sub- menu as explained in the following. Selecting one of the Master or Slave sub- menus on the Main Menu displays a menu like this: PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Main Primary Master [Quantum LPS210A-(PM)] Item Specific Help ? Type: CHS Format Cylinders: Heads: Sectors: Maximum Capacity: LBA Format Total Sectors: Maximum Capacity: Multi-Sector Transfers: LBA Mode Control: 32 Bit I/O: Transfer Mode: Ultra DMA Mode Controller Features [Auto] [ 16383] [ 16] [63] 8455MB 33683328 17246MB [16 Sector] [Enabled] [Disabled] [Fast PIO4] [Mode 4] F1 Help ?? Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults Esc Exit ?? Select Menu Enter Select ? Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit Use the legend keys listed on the bottom to make your selections and exit to the Main Menu. Use the chart on the following page to configure the hard disk drive with Advanced Hard Disk Features: Feature Options Description Type None ATAPI Removable IDE Removable CD- ROM User Auto None = Autotyping is not able to supply the drive type or end user has selected Disabling any drive that may be installed. IDE Removable =Removable read-andwrite media (e.g. IDE Zip drive). ATAPI Removable = Read-and-write media (e.g., LS120,USB Floppy, USB Zip). CD- ROM = CD-ROM drive. User = You supply the hard- disk drive information in the following fields. Auto = Autotyping, the drive itself supplies the information. Cylinders 1 to 65,536 Number of cylinders. Heads 1 to 16 Numbers of read/ write heads. Sectors / Track 1 to 63 Number of sectors per track. Multi- Sector Transfers Disabled 2 sectors 4 sectors 8 sectors 16 sectors Any selection except Disabled determines the number of sectors transferred per block for multiple sector transfers. LBA Mode Control Disabled Enabled Enabling LBA causes Logical Block Addressing to be used in place of Cylinders, Heads, and Sectors. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 8 of 54 32- Bit I / O Enabled Disabled Enables 32- bit communication between CPU and IDE card. Requires PCI or local bus. Transfer Mode Standard Fast PIO 1 Fast PIO 2 Fast PIO 3 Fast PIO 4 FPIO 3 / DMA 1 FPIO 4 / DMA 2 Selects the method for transferring the data between the hard disk and system memory. The Setup menu only lists those options supported by the drive and platform. Ultra DMA Mode Disabled Mode 0 Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4 Mode 5 Selects the Ultra DMA mode used for moving data to/from the drive. Autotype the drive to select the optimum transfer mode. Mode 4 supports ATA-66. Note : To use UDMA Mode 2, 3, 4 and 5 with a device, the harddisk cable used MUST be UDMA66/100 cable (80 conductor cable). WARNING : Incorrect settings can cause your system to malfunction. 2.3.2 Boot Options Selecting "Boot Options" on the Main Menu displays the Boot Options menu : PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Main Boot Options Item Specific Help Summary screen: Keyboard check: Time and Date Check Floppy Check Extension Verification Silent AUX speaker QuickBoot Mode: [Disabled] [Disabled] [Enabled] [Disabled] [Enabled] [Disabled] [Enabled] F1 Help ?? Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults Esc Exit ?? Select Menu Enter Select ? Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit Use the legend keys to make your selections and exit to the Main Menu. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 9 of 54 Use the following chart to select your boot options: Feature Options Description Summary screen Enabled Disabled Displays system summary screen during bootup. Keyboard Check Enabled Disabled Allow the system to skip keyboard test, allows for boot without a keyboard attached. Time and Date check Enabled Disabled Will test if current date is prior to BIOS compile date and in that case display a warning during boot. Floppy Check Enabled Disabled Seeks diskette drives during boot-up. Disabling speed boot time. Extension Verification Enabled Disabled BIOS extensions on external Add-on boards are checked. Silent AUX Speaker Enabled Disabled Enable or Disable Beep during boot-up in external speakers. QuickBoot Mode Enabled Disabled Allows the system to skip certain tests while booting. 2.3.3 Keyboard configuration Keyboard Features Selecting "Keyboard Features" on the Main Menu displays the following menu : PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Main Keyboard Features Item Specific Help Numlock: Keyboard auto-repeat rate: Keyboard auto-repeat delay: [Auto] [30/sec] [1/2 sec] F1 Help ?? Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults Esc Exit ?? Select Menu Enter Select ? Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit Use the legend keys to make your selections and exit to the Main Menu. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 10 of 54 Use the following chart to configure the keyboard features: Feature Options Description Numlock Auto On Off On or Off turns NumLock on or off at bootup. Auto turns NumLock on if it finds a numeric keypad. Keyboard auto- repeat rate 30/ sec 26.7/ sec 21.8/ sec 18.5/ sec 13.3/ sec 10/ sec 6/ sec 2/ sec Sets the number of times a second to repeat a keystroke when you hold the key down. Keyboard auto-repeat delay ¼ sec ½ sec ¾ sec 1 sec Sets the delay time after the key is held down before it begins to repeat the keystroke. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 11 of 54 2.4 Inside section Selecting “Inside Utilities” on the Main menu displays the following menu : PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Main INSIDE Utilities Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Item Specific Help ???? Version Info Hardware Monitor Voltage Monitor Display Setup Secure CMOS M-System Window Onboard SCSI Onb Network BIOS extension Watchdog Timer / Base Requested Core Voltage [Disabled] [Enabled] [Enabled] [Disabled] [Disabled] 1.60V F1 Help ?? Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults Esc Exit ?? Select Menu Enter Select ? Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit Use the legend keys to make your selections and exit to the Main Menu. Use the following chart to configure the Inside Utilities features: Feature Options Description Version Info Information Contains HW, logic, SW version numbers and OUI Ethernet address. Hardware Monitor See sub-menu below Voltage Monitor See sub-menu below Display Setup See sub-menu below Secure CMOS: Disabled Enabled Update Disabled, use normal CMOS. Enabled, use Flashcopy of CMOS if battery backup fails. Update, store current CMOS settings in Flash. M-System Window Disabled Enabled If Enabled the Memory Area 000E0000-000E3FFFh is used as window for M-System Flash Disk. Onboard SCSI Enabled Disabled Enable/ Disable SCSI BIOS Extension. This have effect on 786LCD/MG boards only. Note: When enabled, SCSI BIOS settings cannot be changed. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 12 of 54 Onboard Network BIOS Extension Enabled Disabled Enable / Disable onboard network BIOS extension. For 786LCD/S, /MG and /3.5” a RPL netboot BIOS extension is included. For 786LCD/ST a PXE netboot BIOS extension in included. Watchdog Timer / Base Disabled Seconds Minutes Hours Software Watchdog utility. An interval of 5-255 Seconds, Minutes or Hours can be setup as timeout. The Watchdog is serviced by writing a timeout value to I/O address 804Ah. Timeout value 5-255 Initial boot timeout value. Requested Core Voltage Information Value determined from CPU. 2.4.1 Supervision Setup Selecting “Hardware Monitor” on the Inside Utilities menu displays the following menu : PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility INSIDE Utilities Hardware Monitor Item Specific Help Temp CPU = CPU Temperature limit = CPU Overheat action = Temp 2 & 3 Sensor Type Temp.2 = Temp.3 = Fan 1 speed = Fan Low limit = Fan Low action = Fan 2 speed = CPU Clock throttling 35 °C / 95 °F 70 °C none [Diode] 0 °C / 32 °F 0 °C / 32 °F 5678 RPM 4000 RPM None No Function [12.5%] F1 Help ?? Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults Esc Exit ?? Select Menu Enter Select ? Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit Use the legend keys to make your selections and exit to the Inside Menu. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 13 of 54 Use the following chart to configure the Supervision features: Feature Options Description CPU Temperature limit 0-127°C Set Maximum allowed temperature. CPU Overheat action None GPIO5 Speaker CPU Slowdown When maximum temperature is reached either GPIO5 (Feature connector) will toggle or speaker will be beep if selected. If CPU Slowdown is selected the CPU clock is throttled down as set below. Violations must not be present when enabling this feature in the BIOS window. Temp. 2&3 Sensor Type Diode Resistor Adjust according to external sensor type. Fan Low limit 3000 RPM 4000 RPM 5000 RPM 6000 RPM Set Minimum allowed Fan speed (onboard) Fan Low speed action None GPIO7 Speaker CPU Slowdown When minimum fanspeed is reached either GPIO7 (Feature connector) will toggle or speaker will be beep if selected. If CPU Slowdown is selected the CPU clock is throttled down as set below. Violations must not be present when enabling this feature in the BIOS window. CPU Clock throttling 12.5% 37.5% 62.5% 87.5% Enabling CPU clock throttling above will insert stop-clocks in the CPU clock. This way the CPU heat dissipation / efficiency will be reduced proportional with the percentage selected. Voltage Monitor Selecting “Voltage Monitor” on the Inside Utilities menu displays the following menu : PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility INSIDE Utilities Voltage Monitor Item Specific Help Vin0(Vcore) = Vin1(VCC2.5) = Vin2(VCC3) = Vin5(V3vsb) = Vin3(V+5) = Vin7(V5vsb) = Vin4(V+12) = Vin6(V-12) = Vbat = 1.58 V 2.48 V 3.39 V 3.39 V 5.08 V 5.08 V 11.07 V -11.89V 2.94 V F1 Help ?? Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults Esc Exit ?? Select Menu Enter Select ? Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 14 of 54 2.4.2 Display Setup Selecting “Display Setup” on the Inside Utilities menu displays the following menu : PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility INSIDE Utilities Display Setup Item Specific Help ? Panel Supply Power Set Panel Type Embedded VGA/LCD/TV TV Out External Chipset VGA Driver OS Select Video Bracket [3.3 Volt] [Auto] [Disabled] [Normal] Absent F1 Help ?? Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults Esc Exit ?? Select Menu Enter Select ? Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit Use the legend keys to make your selections and exit to the Inside Menu. Use the following chart to configure the Display Setup features: Feature Options Description Panel Supply Power 3.3 Volt 5 Volt Select supply voltage for the connected LCD Panel. Signal levels will always be 3.3 Volt. Set Panel Type Display block See Display Selection block next page. Press Enter to enter Panel Type Setup Select Panel Type according to Panel technology and resolution. Embedded VGA/LCD/TV CRT1 Only CRT1+LCD LCD CRT1+CRT2 CRT2 CRT1+A-Video A-Video CRT1+S-Video S-Video Display Mode type selection. TV Out External Chipset Disabled SiS301 LVDS LVDS+Trumpion TV-Out External Chipset Select VGA Driver OS Select Normal Japanese 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 15 of 54 Display Selection block for Panel Selection. Selections can be made with the keys , ¯, Tab and Enter. When the 3 criteria are selected: Resolution, Technology and Manufacturer, possible display Partnumbers or “Non” will be displayed in the Code field to the right. Select the exact code according to the display. Display module V4.00 => > Resolution 320 X 240 640 X 480 800 X 600 1024 X 768 1280 X 1024 Custom Technology TFT Color Plasma > Manufacturer (Standard) CPT Fujitsu Hitachi Hosiden Hyundai IBM LG.Philips NEC Panasonic Pioneer Samsung Sanyo Sharp Torisan Toshiba Unipac > Code (*= unverified) LQ12S41 LQ121S1DG11 LQ12S56 LQ12S41 pl Display driver : 01h 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 16 of 54 2.5 Advanced section The Advanced Menu Selecting "Advanced" from menu bar on the Main Menu displays a menu like this: PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Main INSIDE Utilities Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Item Specific Help Setup Warning Setting items on this menu to incorrect values may cause your system to malfunction. ???? USB Host Controller Default Primary Video Adapter ISA Configuration PCI Configuration Advanced Chipset Control I/O Device Configuration PS/2 Mouse Secured Setup Configurations Large Disk Access Mode: Installed O/S: Reset Configuration Data: [Disabled] [PCI] [Auto Detect] [No] [DOS] [Other] [No] F1 Help ?? Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults Esc Exit ?? Select Menu Enter Select ? Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit Use the legend keys to make your selections and exit to the Main Menu. Use the following to make your selection. Feature Options Description USB Host Controller Enabled Disabled Enables or Disables the USB hardware and frees the resources. USB BIOS Legacy support Enabled Disabled Enables or Disables the USB Legacy support for USB Host controller 0 (USB Channel 0, 1, and 2). Default Primary Video Adapter PCI AGP Select Primary Video Adapter: AGP is onboard SIS630, PCI is external graphics adapter PS/2 Mouse Disabled Enabled Auto Detect Disabled free up IRQ12. Enabled forces the PS/2 mouse port to enabled regardless if a mouse is present. Auto Detect will enable the PS/2 mouse only if present. This setting must be set to Enabled to use Suspend To Disk. Secured Setup Configurations Yes No Yes prevents the Operating System from overriding selections you have made in Setup. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 17 of 54 Large Disk Access Mode DOS Other Select DOS if you have DOS. Select Other if you have another operating system such as UNIX. A large disk is one that has more than 1024 cylinders, more than 16 heads, or more than 63 tracks per sector. Installed O/S Other Win95 Reset Configuration Data Yes No Yes erases all configuration data in ESCD, which stores the configuration settings for non-PnP plug-in devices. Select Yes when required to restore the manufacturer's defaults. 2.5.1 ISA Configuration ISA Configuration Selecting "ISA Configuration" from the Advanced menu displays a menu like this : PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Advanced ISA Configuration Item Specific Help ? AT bus clock frequency 8-bit I/O recovery time 16-bit I/O recovery time ISA Refresh Cycles IRQ 3 IRQ 4 IRQ 5 IRQ 7 IRQ 9 IRQ 10 IRQ 11 IRQ 12 Memory Hole 15-16Mb Memory Cache [PCICLK/4] [1 Sysclk] [1 Sysclk] [Disabled] [Available] [Available] [Available] [Available] [Available] [Available] [Available] [Available] [Disabled] F1 Help ?? Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults Esc Exit ?? Select Menu Enter Select ? Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 18 of 54 Use the legend keys to make your selections and exit to the Main Menu. Use the following to make your selection. Feature Options Description AT bus Clock frequency PCICLK/4 PCICLK/3 Setup the AT bus frequency SYSCLK. The PCICLK is 33MHz on the board. 8-bit I/O recovery time 3.5 Sysclks 0 Sysclk 1 Sysclk 2 Sysclk 3 Sysclk 4 Sysclk 5 Sysclk 6 Sysclk 7 Sysclk Setup the 8-bit I/O recovery time. 16-bit I/O recovery time 3.5 Sysclks 4 Sysclks 1 Sysclks 2 Sysclks 3 Sysclks Setup the 16-bit I/O recovery time. ISA Refresh Cycles Enabled Disabled Enable / Disable ISA Refresh Cycles IRQ 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 Available Reserved This menu allows the user to reserve IRQs, if non-PnP ISA cards requires that interrupt. Memory Hole 15-16Mb Enabled Disabled Enable or Disable Memory hole between 15-16 Mb in Memory area. Memory Cache Sub-menu Allows enabling or disabling of Memory cache and shadow. 2.5.2 Memory cache Enabling cache saves time for the CPU by holding data most recently accessed in regular memory (SDRAM) in a special storage area of static RAM (SRAM), which is faster. Before accessing regular memory, the CPU first accesses the cache. If it does not find the data it is looking for there, it accesses regular memory. Feature Options Description Memory Cache Enabled Disabled Sets the state of the memory cache. Cache Base 0-512k Uncached Write Through Write Protect Write Back Controls caching of 512k Base memory. Cache Base 512k-640k Uncached Write Through Write Protect Write Back Controls caching of 512k-640k Base memory. Cache Extended Memory area Uncached Write Through Write Protect Write Back Controls caching of system memory above one megabyte. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 19 of 54 Cache A000 – AFFF Disabled USWC Caching Write Through Write Protect Write Back Cache B000 – BFFF Disabled USWC Caching Write Through Write Protect Write Back Cache C800 – CBFF Disabled Write Through Write Protect Write Back Shadow C800 – CBFF Enabled Disabled Cache CC00 – CFFF Disabled Write Through Write Protect Write Back Shadow CC00 – CFFF Enabled Disabled Cache D000 – D3FF Disabled Write Through Write Protect Write Back Shadow D000 – D3FF Enabled Disabled Cache D400 – D7FF Disabled Write Through Write Protect Write Back Shadow D400 – D7FF Enabled Disabled Cache D800 – DBFF Disabled Write Through Write Protect Write Back Shadow D800 – DBFF Enabled Disabled Cache DC00 – DFFF Disabled Write Through Write Protect Write Back Shadow DC00 – DFFF Enabled Disabled Settings controls caching of individual segments of memory usually reserved for shadowing system or option ROMs. Disabled – This block is not cached. USWC Caching – Uncached speculative Write Combined. Write Through – Writes are cached and sent to main memory at once. Write Protect – Writes are ignored. Write Back – Writes are cached, but is not sent to main memory until necessary. Enabling Shadow will shadow BIOS extensions to memory for faster execution. WARNING: Incorrect settings can cause your system to malfunction. To correct mistakes, return to Setup and restore the Setup Defaults with >F9>. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 20 of 54 2.5.3 PCI Configuration PCI Configuration Selecting "PCI Configuration" from the Advanced menu displays a menu like this : PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Advanced PCI Configuration Item Specific Help ???? PCI Device, Slot #1 PCI Device, Slot #2 PCI Device, Slot #3 PCI Device, Slot #4 F1 Help ?? Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults Esc Exit ?? Select Menu Enter Select ? Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit For each Slot number a Sub-menu is displayed. PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Advanced PCI Device, Slot #2 Item Specific Help Option ROM Scan Enable Master Latency Timer [Enabled] [Enabled] [0040h] F1 Help ?? Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults Esc Exit ?? Select Menu Enter Select ? Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit Use the legend keys to make your selections and exit to the Main Menu. Use the following to make your selection. Feature Options Description Option ROM Scan Enabled Disabled Set to Enabled to scan for ROM extensions in the given PCI slot. Enable Master Enabled Disabled Set to Enabled to enable PCI Bus Mastering in the given slot. Latency Timer Default 0020h 0040h 0060h 0080h 00A0h 00C0h 00E0h Set the required Bus Acquisition Latency time. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 21 of 54 2.5.4 Advanced Chipset Control Advanced Chipset Control Selecting "Advanced Chipset Control" from the Advanced menu displays a menu like this : PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Advanced Advanced Chipset Control Item Specific Help ???? Host Interface Function Driving Current AGP Function menu Embedded Device Menu F1 Help ?? Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults Esc Exit ?? Select Menu Enter Select ? Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit The chipset is a computer chip that acts as an interface between the CPU and the system's hardware. You can use this menu to optimize the performance of your computer. Use the legend keys to make your selections and exit to the Main Menu. Host Interface Function Selecting the Host Interface Function displays the Menu below: PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Advanced Host Interface Function Item Specific Help CPU Pipeline Function CPU2PCI Access PCI Bus CPU2PCI Access Memory HOST Read/Write Recorder Host Defer Function [Pipeline] [Enabled] [Enabled] [Enabled] [Enabled] F1 Help ?? Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults Esc Exit ?? Select Menu Enter Select ? Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit Use the legend keys to make your selections and exit to the Main Menu. Use the following to make your selection. Feature Options Description CPU Pipeline Function Non-Pipeline Pipeline CPU2PCI Access PCI Bus Enabled Disabled CPU2PCI Access Memory Enabled Disabled HOST Read/Write Recorder Enabled Disabled Host Defer Function Enabled Disabled 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 22 of 54 Driving Current Selecting the Driving Current displays the Menu below: PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Advanced Driving Current Item Specific Help SRAS#/SCAS#/WE#/MA[14:0] MD[63:0] DQM[7:0] CSA[5:0] CKE CKE Driving Rating SRAS#/SCAS#/WE# Driving MD[63:0] Driving Rating DQM[7:0]# Driving Rating CSA[5:0]# Driving Rating PCI Control Signals AD[31:0] Current Rating [Slow] [Slow] [Slow] [Slow] [Slow] [Normal] [Normal] [Weak] [Normal] [Normal] [Weak] [Weak] F1 Help ?? Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults Esc Exit ?? Select Menu Enter Select ? Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit Use the legend keys to make your selections and exit to the Main Menu. Use the following to make your selection. Feature Options Description SRAS#/SCAS#/WE#/MA[14:0] Slow Fast System Memory. SDRAM Pre-driver Slew Rate setting. MD[63:0] Slow Fast System Memory. SDRAM Pre-driver Slew Rate setting DQM[7:0] Slow Fast System Memory. SDRAM Pre-driver Slew Rate setting CSA[5:0] Slow Fast System Memory. SDRAM Pre-driver Slew Rate setting CKE Slow Fast System Memory. SDRAM Pre-driver Slew Rate setting CKE Driving Rating Weak Normal Strong Strongest System Memory. Driving Rating SRAS#/SCAS#/WE# Driving Weak Normal Strong Strongest System Memory. Driving Rating MD[63:0] Driving Rating Weak Normal Strong Strongest System Memory. Driving Rating DQM[7:0]# Driving Rating Weak Normal Strong Strongest System Memory. Driving Rating 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 23 of 54 CSA[5:0]# Driving Rating Weak Normal Strong Strongest System Memory. Driving Rating PCI Control Signals Weak Strong Controls the buffer strength of FRAME#, IRDY#, TRDY#, DEVSEL#, STOP#, PAR, C/BE#[3:0], GNT[2:0] for onboard, PC104+ or PICMG devices. AD[31:0] Current Rating Weak Strong Controls the buffer strength of AD[31:0] for onboard, PC104+ or PICMG devices. WARNING : Incorrect settings can cause your system to malfunction. Do not change these setting unless advised to. AGP Function Menu Selecting the AGP Function Menu displays the Menu below: PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Advanced DRAM Function Control Item Specific Help Embedded Share Memory Share SDRAM Memory Size MDA Existence Control [4MB] [4MB] [Not Exist] F1 Help ?? Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults Esc Exit ?? Select Menu Enter Select ? Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit Use the legend keys to make your selections and exit to the Main Menu. Use the following to make your selection. Feature Options Description Embedded Share Memory 2M 4M 8MB 16MB 32MB 64MB Disabled Setup the amount of System Memory reserved for Video memory (UMA). Amount of video memory selected should always be less than System Memory. To disable onboard VGA controller set this setting to Disabled. MDA Existence Control Not Exist Exist 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 24 of 54 Embedded Device Menu Selecting the Embedded Device Menu displays the Menu below: PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Advanced Embedded Device Menu Item Specific Help Embedded Audio Device Embedded Ethernet Device Embedded Modem Device [Enabled] [Enabled] [Disabled] F1 Help ?? Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults Esc Exit ?? Select Menu Enter Select ? Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit Use the legend keys to make your selections and exit to the Main Menu. Use the following to make your selection. Feature Options Description Embedded Audio Device Enabled Disabled SiS630 Embedded Audio Device (SiS 7018 AC97). Embedded Ethernet Device Enabled Disabled SiS630 Embedded Ethernet Device (SiS 900 10/ 100M Ethernet) Embedded Modem Device Enabled Disabled SiS630 Embedded Modem Device (SiS 7013 S/W Modem) Requires External AC97 Codec. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 25 of 54 2.5.5 I/O device configuration Most devices on the computer require the exclusive use of system resources for operation. These system resources can include Input and Output (I/O) port addresses and Interrupt lines for getting the attention of the CPU. Allocating these resources to various devices is called device configuration. Your system has a separate on-board I/O chip, select "I/O Device Configuration" on the Advanced Menu to display this menu and specify how you want to configure these I/O Devices. For 786LCD/3.5” boards Serial port C and D and RS422/485 Modes are not available. PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Advanced I/O Device Configuration Item Specific Help Serial port A: Base I/O address: Interrupt: Serial port B: Mode Serial A&B IRQ Sharing Serial port C: Serial port D: Mode Parallel port: Mode: Floppy disk controller: Base I/O address: Floppy Drive Swap IRQ 6 Sharing Game Port [Enabled] [3F8] [IRQ 4] [Auto] [Normal] [Enabled] [Auto] [Auto] [Normal] [Auto] [EPP & ECP] [Enabled] [Primary] [Disabled] [Disabled] [Auto] F1 Help ?? Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults Esc Exit ?? Select Menu Enter Select ? Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit This menu lets you specify how the Input and Output ports are configured : · Manually by the user. · Automatically by the BIOS during POST, or by a PnP Operating System (such as Windows 98) after the Operating System boots. Use the legend keys to make your selections and exit to the Main Menu. Use the following chart to configure the Input / Output settings : Feature Options Description Serial port A: Disabled Enabled Auto Disabled turn off the port. Enabled requires you to enter the base Input/ Output address and the Interrupt number on the next line. Auto makes the BIOS or OS auto-configure the port. Base I/ O Address 3F8 2F8 3E8 2E8 If you select Enabled, choose one of these addresses. Interrupt IRQ3 IRQ4 If you select Enabled, choose one of these Interrupts. Interface RS422 RS485 This selection will only appear if Jumper row RSSEL is moved to RS422/ RS485 setting. Select Driver Mode 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 26 of 54 Data Driver Enable Disabled DTR /DTR RTS /RTS Enabled This selection will only appear if Jumper row RSSEL is moved to RS422/ RS485 setting. Select signal for controlling Data Transceivers. Control Driver Enable Disabled DTR /DTR RTS /RTS Enabled This selection will only appear if Jumper row RSSEL is moved to RS422/ RS485 setting. Select signal for controlling Control Transceivers. Serial port B: Disabled Enabled Auto As for Serial port A above. Mode Normal IrDA ASK-IR Set the Mode for Serial Port B. Support for IrDA Serial port C: Disabled Enabled Auto Disabled turn off the port. Enabled requires you to enter the base Input/ Output address and the Interrupt number on the next line. Auto makes the BIOS or OS auto-configure the port. Base I/ O Address 3F8 2F8 3E8 2E8 If you select Enabled, choose one of these addresses. Interrupt IRQ3 IRQ5 If you select Enabled, choose one of these Interrupts. Serial port D: Disabled Enabled Auto As for Serial port C above. Interrupt can be selected as IRQ3, 5 or 11 (786LCD/S, /MG) or IRQ3, 7 (786LCD/ST). Mode: Normal IrDA ASK-IR Set the Mode for Serial Port D. Support for IrDA Parallel Port: Disabled Enabled Auto Disabled turn off the port. Enabled requires you to enter the base Input / Output address and the Interrupt number below. Auto makes the BIOS auto-configure the port during POST. Mode SPP EPP ECP EPP & ECP Selects Printer Port operation mode. Base I/ O Address 378 278 178 If you select Enabled for the Parallel Port, choose one of these I/ O addresses. Interrupts IRQ3 IRQ7 If you select Enabled for the Parallel Port, choose one of these interrupt options. DMA Channel DMA1 DMA3 If you select ECP mode for the Parallel Port, choose one of these DMA channel options. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 27 of 54 Floppy Disk Controller Disabled Enabled Enables the on-board legacy diskette controller. Disabled turn off all legacy diskette drives. Floppy Drive Swap Disabled Enabled Determines whether to swap the Floppy A & B drives. IRQ 6 Sharing Enabled Disabled Enables IRQ6 sharing Warning : If you choose the same I/ O address or Interrupt for more than one port, the menu displays an asterisk (*) at the conflicting settings. It also displays this message at the bottom of the menu : * Indicates a DMA, Interrupt, I/ O, or memory resource conflict with another device. Resolve the conflict by selecting other settings for one of the devices. 2.5.6 Serial port setup. It is important to notice that not all combinations of the BIOS setup will work in Windows environments refer to the list below for details. This is a problem of the O/S. BIOS Setting Serial Port A BIOS Setting Serial Port B BIOS Setting Serial Port C BIOS Setting Serial Port D WIN98 WINNT WIN2000 WINXP AUTO AUTO AUTO AUTO X X AUTO AUTO 3E8 / 5 AUTO X 3F8 / 4 2F8 / 3 3E8 / 5 2E8 / 3 X 3F8 / 4 2F8 / 3 3E8 / 5 2E8 / 5 X 3F8 / 4 2F8 / 3 3E8 / 5 2E8 / 11 X X 3F8 / 4 2F8 / 4 3E8 / 3 2E8 / 3 X X AUTO AUTO AUTO Disabled X X X X Notice that when enabling Serial Port C and D in the BIOS the physical location of the Ports B and C are swapped. Also note that to enable use of shared interrupts in WinNT and Win2000 the utility AllowShare.exe (available on Driver CD) must be executed in administrator mode. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 28 of 54 2.6 Security section Selecting "Security" from the Main Menu displays a menu like this : PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Main INSIDE Utilities Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Item Specific Help Supervisor Password Is: User Password Is: Set Supervisor Password Set User Password Diskette access: Fixed disk boot sector: Password on boot: Clear Clear [Enter] [Enter] [Supervisor] [Normal] [Disabled] F1 Help ?? Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults Esc Exit ?? Select Menu Enter Select ? Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit Use the legend keys to make your selections and exit to the Main Menu. Enabling "Supervisor Password" requires a password for entering Setup. The passwords are not case sensitive. Use the following chart to configure the system- security and anti- virus options: Feature Options Description Set Supervisor Password Up to seven alphanumeric characters Pressing >Enter> displays dialog box for entering the supervisor password. This password gives full access to SETUP menus. Set User Password Up to seven alphanumeric characters Pressing >Enter> displays the dialog box for entering the user password. This password gives restricted access to SETUP menus. Requires prior setting of Supervisor password. Diskette Access Supervisor User Supervisor restricts use of floppy drives to supervisor. Requires setting the Supervisor password. Fixed disk boot sector Normal Write Protected. Write protected helps prevent viruses. Password on boot Enabled Disabled. Enabled requires a password on boot. Requires prior setting of the Supervisor password. If supervisor password is set and this option disabled, BIOS assumes user is booting. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 29 of 54 2.7 Power section Selecting "Power" from the menu bar displays a menu like this : PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Power Item Specific Help Suspend Mode: Auto Save To Disk: [Suspend] [Off] F1 Help ?? Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults Esc Exit ?? Select Menu Enter Select ? Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit Use this menu to specify your settings for Power Management. A power- management system reduces the amount of energy used after specified periods of inactivity. Further setup will be available in Windows Power Management Setup in the Control Panel. Use the legend keys to make your selections and exit to the Main Menu. Use the following chart in making your selections: Feature Options Description Suspend Mode: Suspend Save To Disk Select Suspend to support Suspend To RAM under Windows 98. In this mode Memory is placed into a low power self refresh state and the remaining devices are powered down (ACPI State S3). Select Save To Disk to support Save To Disk. In this mode the OS will save the context of all memory to the harddisk and power down (ACPI State S4). 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 30 of 54 2.8 Boot section Boot Menu After you turn on your computer, it will attempt to load the operating system (such as Windows 95) from the drive of your choice. If it cannot find the operating system on that drive, it will attempt to load it from one or more other drives in the order specified in the Boot Menu. Note: Specifying any drive as a boot drive on the Boot Menu requires the installation of an operating system on that drive. Selecting "Boot" from the Menu Bar displays the Boot menu, which looks like this: PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Boot Item Specific Help -Removable Devices Legacy Floppy Drives -Hard Drive Seagate ST317221A-(PM) Bootable Add-in Cards ATAPI CD-ROM Drive Network Boot F1 Help ?? Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults Esc Exit ?? Select Menu Enter Select ? Sub-Menu F10 Save and Exit You can arrange the boot order list at the top of this menu to specify the order of the devices from which the BIOS will attempt to boot the Operating System. To move a device, first select it with the up- or- down arrows, and move it up or down using the >+> and >-> keys. The boot selection menu can also be displayed by pressing ESC during boot. Note: If you have more than one hard drive, or more than one removable drive, use the sub menus to specify which one to use on the boot order list, as described in the following. Multiple Devices If you have more than one hard drive or removable device, Enter expands the view of devices with an “+” so the different detected drives appears. Select the hard drive to use for booting by using the up- and- down arrows. Then move it to the top of this list using the >+> key. Network Boot The Network ROM BIOS extension is enabled in the Inside Utilities menu: “onb Network BIOS extension”. The Memory Map location for this extension depends on the board, refer to the Memory Map section in the Hardware Manual. For 786LCD/S, /MG and /3.5” boards a RPL netboot extension is included. For 786LCD/ST boards a PXE netboot extension is included. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 31 of 54 2.9 Exit section Selecting "Exit" from the menu bar displays this menu : PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility Main INSIDE Utilities Advanced Security Power Boot Exit Item Specific Help Exit Saving Changes Exit Discarding Changes Load Setup Defaults Discard Changes Save Changes F1 Help ?? Select Item -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults Esc Exit ?? Select Menu Enter Execute Command F10 Save and Exit The following sections describe each of the options on this menu. Exit Saving Changes After making your selections on the Setup menus, always select either "Exit Saving Changes" or "Save Changes". Both procedures store the selections displayed in the menus in CMOS (batterybacked CMOS RAM) a special section of memory that stays on after you turn your system off. The next time you boot your computer, the BIOS configure your system according to the Setup selections stored in CMOS. If you attempt to exit without saving, the program asks if you want to save before exiting. During bootup, Phoenix BIOS attempts to load the values saved in CMOS. If those values cause the system boot to fail, reboot and press >F2> to enter Setup. In Setup, you can get the Default Values (as described below) or try to change the selections that caused the boot to fail. Exit Discarding Changes Use this option to exit Setup without storing in CMOS any new selections you may have made. The selections previously in effect remain in effect. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 32 of 54 Load Setup Defaults To display the default values for all the Setup menus, select "Load Setup Default" from the Main Menu. If, during bootup, the BIOS program detects a problem in the integrity of values stored in CMOS, it displays this message : System CMOS checksum bad - run SETUP Press >F1> to resume, >F2> to Setup The CMOS values have been corrupted or modified incorrectly, perhaps by an application program that changes data stored in CMOS. Press >F1> to resume the boot or >F2> to run Setup with the ROM default values already loaded into the menus. You can make other changes before saving the values to CMOS. Discard Changes If, during a Setup Session, you change your mind about changes you have made and have not yet saved the values to CMOS, you can restore the values you previously saved to CMOS. Selecting Discard Changes on the Exit menu updates all the selections. Save Changes Save Changes saves all the selections without exiting Setup. You can return to the other menus if you want to review and change your selections. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 33 of 54 2.10 RPL Netboot server setup (786LCD/S, /MG and /3.5”) Install the NT server 3.5, 3.51, 4.0 RPL server: ------------------------------------------------ 1. Install the Remoteboot Service on the NT Server. 1.1 Choose Control Panel, Network, Add Software, Remoteboot Service, put NT server CD into CD-ROM drive, to install Remoteboot Service. [Note] To install RPL server, you must install DLC and NetBEUI protocols in your NT server first. 2. Install MS-DOS Files for Remoteboot workstation. Copy all the MS-DOS 6.22 files to ----> \\systemroot\RPL\RPLFILES\BINFILES\DOS622 copy c:\dos\*.* \\systemroot\RPL\RPLFILES\BINFILES\DOS622 attrib -s -h c:\io.sys attrib -s -h c:\msdos.sys copy c:\io.sys \\systemroot\RPL\RPLFILES\BINFILES\DOS622 copy c:\msdos.sys \\systemroot\RPL\RPLFILES\BINFILES\DOS622 attrib +s +h c:\io.sys attrib +s +h c:\msdos.sys 3. Create Remoteboot configuration for new adapter 3.1 Copy the MS-DOS device driver(NDIS2) for the Ethernet adapter to the \\systemroot\RPL\BBLOCK\NDIS directory. for example: SIS900.DOS NDIS2 driver for the PCI adapter. copy Bootrom\NDIS2drv\*.* \\systemroot\RPL\BBLOCK\NDIS 3.2 Create the directory \\systemroot\RPL\BBLOCK\NETBEUI\SIS900. Copy DOSBB.CNF, PROTOCOL.INI files from directory \\systemroot\RPL\BBLOCK\NETBEUI\NE2000. Modify DOSBB.CNF and PROTOCOL.INI. The templates for DOSBB.CNF and PROTOCOL.INI are stored at the \BOOTROM directory in this driver diskette. Sample for DOSBB.CNF: ; DOS on SiS900 PCI Fast Ethernet BASE D0H RPL BBLOCK\RPLBOOT.SYS LDR BBLOCK\RPLSTART.COM ~ DAT BBLOCK\NETBEUI\SIS900\PROTOCOL.INI DRV BBLOCK\RPLDISK.SYS ~ ~ ~ EXE BBLOCK\RPLPRO1.COM ~ 2 ~ EXE BBLOCK\I13.COM ~ ~ ~ EXE BBLOCK\RPLBIND2.EXE ~ ~ EXE BBLOCK\PROTMAN.EXE ~ ~ EXE BBLOCK\RPLBIND1.EXE ~ ~ 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 34 of 54 ;DRV BBLOCK\IPXNDIS.DOS ~ ~ ~ ;DRV BBLOCK\TCPDRV.DOS /I:C:\LANMAN.DOS ~ ~ EXE BBLOCK\NETBEUI\NETBEUI.EXE ~ 10 ~ DRV BBLOCK\NDIS\SIS900.DOS ~ ~ ~ DRV BBLOCK\PROTMAN.DOS /I:C:\LANMAN.DOS ~ M Sample for PROTOCOL.INI: [protman] drivername = protman$ dynamic = yes priority = netbeui [netbeui_xif] drivername = netbeui$ bindings = sis900_nif names = 6 ncbs = 12 packets = 20 pipeline = 10 sessions = 6 stacksize = 512 lanabase = 0 [xnsnb_xif] drivername = xnsnb$ bindings = SIS900_nif load = xnsnb[cbr] lanabase = 1 [xnstp_xif] drivername = xnstp$ bindings = sis900_nif load = xnstp[ub] lanabase = 1 [tcpip_xif] drivername = TCPIP$ disabledhcp = (TCPIP_NO_DHCP) ipaddress0 = (TCPIP_ADDRESS) subnetmask0 = (TCPIP_SUBMASK) defaultgateway0 = (TCPIP_GATEWAY) tcpsegmentsize = 1450 tcpwindowsize = 1450 nbsessions = 6 load = tcptsr[c],tinyrfc[c],emsbfr[cr] unload = "unloadt /notsr[dc]" bindings = sis900_nif lanabase = 1 [ipx_xif] drivername = ipx$ load = ipxmark,ipx 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 35 of 54 unload = ipxrel[c] bindings = sis900_nif lanabase = 1 [msdlc_xif] drivername = msdlc$ bindings = sis900_nif load = msdlc[ub] unload = msdlc [sis900_nif] drivername = SIS900$ 3.3 Use RPLCMD utility to add a bblock record for new adapter. Under MS-DOS Prompt, type >1>. NET START RemoteBoot >2>. RPLCMD 3.4 You should follow the direction displayed on the screen. ;;; Add a new boot Block: Adapter Boot Config Profile Service Vendor Wksta [Quite] B Add Del Enum:A BootName=DOSX ; VendorName=00E006 ;for SiS900 VendorName=002642 ;for SiS630E BbcFile=BBLOCK\NETBEUI\SIS900\DOSBB.CNF ; BootCommet=DOS SiS900 Fast Ethernet ;SiS900 BootComment=DOS SiS630E Onboard Lan ;SiS630E WindowsSize=0 ;;; Add a new config: Adapter Boot Config Profile Service Vendor Wksta [Quite] C Add Del Enum:A ; ConfigName=DOS622X ;SiS900 ConfigName=DOS622XX ;SiS630E BootName=DOSX DirName=DOS DirName2=DOS622 FitShared=FITS\DOS622.FIT FitPersonal=FITS\DOS622P.FIT ; ConfigComment=DOS 6.22 SiS900 Fast Ethernet ;SiS900 ConfigComment=DOS SiS630E Onboard Lan ;SiS630E DirName3= DirName4= ;;; Add new vendor ID: Adapter Boot Config Profile Service Vendor Wksta [Quite] V Add Del Enum: A ; VendorName=00E006 ;SiS900 VendorName=002642 ;SiS630E ; VendorComment=SiS900 Fast Ethernet ;SiS900 VendorComment=SiS630E Onboard Lan ;SiS630E 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 36 of 54 [Note] VendorName is OUI Number — the first six digit of the MAC address on your card. e.g. 1)SiS900: MAC address is 00E006000001 VendorName is 00E006 2)SiS630E:MAC address is 002642060008 VendorName is 002642 3.5 Shutdown Windows NT server, and reboot it. 4. Login to NT server as Administrator. 5. Install BootROM on remote client and power on remote client. 6. Start RemoteBoot service and Remoteboot manager. 6.1 Under MS-DOS Prompt, type "NET START Remoteboot" 6.2 In Network administrator, Remoteboot Manager 1.Choose Remoteboot, New Profile, to create an SiS900 Profile Name or SiS630E Profile Name. 2.Add new workstation for this Ethernet adapter and choose SiS900 or SiS630E Profile file. [Note] If the Node ID of workstation does not match with your Profile file, you can use "Convert Adapters" in Remoteboot menu of Remoteboot Manager to configure or cteate the Profile file. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 37 of 54 2.11 PXE Netboot server setup (786LCD/ST) How to test PXE ? 1.Environment Request: -You should install NT server(4.0 SP3 or later) -Install TCP/IP and Assign a static IP for server -Ensure the GUEST account is enabled -Get PDK from Intel web site. http://developer.intel.com/ial/WfM/tools/pxepdk20/index.htm 2.Setup DHCP Server: -Add DHCP service on NETWORK PANEL -Start->Programs->Administrative Tools->DHCP Manager to create a range of scope 3.If PXE service and DHCP server installed on the same machine, you MUST add this tag to your server. -Choose DHCP Options->Default to setting 4.Choose NEW PXE Option Tag 5.Assign Option 60 to Global 6.Create the boot files: APITEST.1 and DOSUNDI.1 -Create two 1.44 DOS format boot disk. -Disk1=>Label APITEST Copy HIMEM.SYS, RAMDRIVE.SYS, MORE.COM, and FC.COM into disk1. -Disk2=>Label DOSUNDI Copy MORE.COM into disk2 -Change to \\PDK\system\images\x86pc\undi\APITest and run "mktest.bat" [Note]When system is installing, it will point the directory of NT CD, you should point to "root". If you point to "\i386", system will CANNOT find files. -Change to \\PDK\system\images\x86pc\undi\DOSUNDI and run "mkdos.bat" 7.Config proxy DHCP Server 8.Add Bootserver List 9.Add type 3 and 65535 PS. For the details of PXE setting in NT server, please refer to the PDK and SDK of PXE in Intel web site. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 38 of 54 2.12 BIOS Post Beep Codes When a recoverable error occurs during POST (Power On Self-Test), PhoenixBIOS displays an error message describing the problem. PhoenixBIOS also issues a number of beep tones depending of the error. The beep codes are composed of 1 to 4 groups of beeps. In the table below are listed a number of beep codes and the corrective action. Example: 1-3-1-1 means 1 beep pause 3 beeps pause 1 beep pause 1 beep. If it beeps… Then… 1-2-2-3 Clear the CMOS memory or BIOS corrupted. 1-3-1-1 or 1-3-4-1 or 1-3-4-3 Re-insert or replace the SDRAM module. 1-3-1-3 Try a different keyboard. 1-2 Video configuration failed. Card not installed or faulty. Check external option ROM devices. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 39 of 54 3. Driver Installation and SW Utilities. For this manual, installation descriptions for Windows98, NT4.0, Win2K, WinXP and CE are included. For Linux Redhat 7.3 and WinXP Embedded support please refer to Kontron Manual and Driver CD or locate the BSPs on the Web. 3.1 786LCD Video Installation The following steps will install the SiS630 Chipset VGA driver on the 786LCD family. 3.1.1 Windows 98 Video installation: 1. Insert the CD and enter the directory : Graphics / 9x. 2. Run the Setup.exe file to start the installation. 3. This installation will automatically install with a few questions to be answered. 4. Reboot when requested. 3.1.2 Windows 2000 & Windows XP Video installation: 1. Insert the CD and enter the directory : Graphics / Win2k&XP 2. Run the Setup.exe file to start the installation. 3. This installation will automatically install with a few questions to be answered. 4. Reboot when requested. 3.1.3 Windows NT40 Video Installation: 1. Insert the CD in the CDROM drive. 2. Enter the Control Panel and double click the Display Icon. 3. Select the Settings tab and click the Display type. 4. Choose Change to select the driver on the CD. 5. Select Have disk and point to the directory : Graphics_1_08 / WinNT40. 6. Say Yes to install a third party driver. 7. Reboot when requested. 3.1.4 SIS AGP Driver installation (Win2K, WinXP, Win98) 1. Insert the CD in the CDROM drive. 2. Run Setup.exe in /Graphics/AGP/ folder, then it will install the "SiS AGP Driver" automatically on your Windows system. Note: To get SIS301 TVOUT to show colors correctly, use the slide bar “Color calibration tool” which can be found in Advanced / TV menu. Due to Macrovision protection issue (license), the TV-Out function with SIS301 is not supported with the latest graphics drivers. Previous releases (ver. 1.08) of graphics drivers can be used to enable TV-Out, they can be found on the driver CD in folder /Graphics_1_08 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 40 of 54 3.1.5 Installing Plasma support Installing Plasma Win98: 1. Make sure the BIOS is setup to “Custom”, “Plasma” Technology, and that Plasma Manufacturer is selected in the Display Setup in the Inside Section. 2. Make sure no Graphics driver is installed on installation. If a driver is installed this must be un-installed. Reboot as requested. 3. Enter the directory Graphics / Plasma / Win98 directory and run one of the exe files. 4. Reboot. 5. Enter the directory Graphics / Plasma and run the Setup.exe file. 6. Reboot when requested. Installing Plasma Win2K & WinXP: 1. Make sure the BIOS is setup to “Custom”, “Plasma” Technology, and that Plasma Manufacturer is selected in the Display Setup in the Inside Section. 2. Make sure no Graphics driver is installed on installation. If a driver is installed this must be un-installed. Reboot as requested. 3. Enter the directory Graphics / Plasma / Win2K&XP directory and run Setup.exe files. 4. Reboot. Installing Plasma WinNT support: 1. Make sure the BIOS is setup to “Custom”, “Plasma” Technology, and that Plasma Manufacturer is selected in the Display Setup in the Inside Section. 2. Right click on the desktop and select “Update driver”. Select the driver in the directory Graphics / Plasma / WinNT. 3. Say yes to overwrite files if asked. 4. Reboot when requested. 3.1.6 Dual Display limitations Due to operating system / driver limitations dual display with SIS301 video module is not supported in WinNT and in Win2K. If plasma drivers are used dual display is not supported in any operating system. 3.2 Network Installation The following steps will install the SiS900 network drivers for the 786LCD board family. The Embedded Ethernet Device must set to Enabled in the Advanced / Embedded Device Menu in the BIOS before running this installation. 3.2.1 Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP Network installation: 1. Insert the CD in the CDROM drive. 2. Enter the directory : LAN. 3. Run the Setup.exe file. 5. This installation will automatically install with a few questions to be answered. 4. Reboot when requested. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 41 of 54 3.2.2 Windows NT40 Network installation: 1. Insert the CD in the CDROM drive. 2. Enter the Control Panel and click the Network Icon. 3. Select the Adapters tab. 4. Choose add "Unlisted or updated driver ". 5. Enter the location of the driver on the CD : LAN / NT40. 6. This installation will automatically install with a few questions to be answered. 7. Reboot when requested. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 42 of 54 3.3 Audio Installation. The following steps describe the installation of the SiS7018 Audio drivers for the 786LCD board. The Embedded Audio Device must set to Enabled in the Advanced / Embedded Device Menu in the BIOS before running this installation. 3.3.1 Windows 98 Audio installation: 1. Insert the CD in the CDROM drive. 2. Enter the Audio directory 3. Windows 98 installations should run Setup.exe without any parameters. 4. SETUP.EXE Automatically installs WDM or VxD driver for Windows 95/98 base on the O.S version: -WDM driver is installed for Windows 98SE and -VxD is installed for Windows 98OEM (first edition, 4.10.1998) and Windows 95. To force installing VxD driver for Windows 98SE, please run "SETUP.EXE -vxd" using Windows Start->Run This installation will automatically install with a few questions to be answered. 5. Reboot when requested 6. Mute AUX and VIDEO in the Audio control Panel. 3.3.2 Windows NT 4.0 Audio installation: 1. Insert the CD in the CDROM drive. 2. Run Setup.exe from the Audio directory. 3. This installation will automatically install with a few questions to be answered. 4. Reboot when requested 5. Mute AUX and VIDEO in the Audio control Panel. 3.3.3 Windows 2000, Windows XP Audio installation: 1. Insert the CD in the CDROM drive. 2. Run Setup.exe from the Audio directory. 3. This installation will automatically install with a few questions to be answered. 4. Reboot when requested. 5. Click the Sounds and Multimedia Properties in the Control Panel. 6. Click the Audio tab and select the Volume button in the playback section. 7. Mute AUX and VIDEO in the Audio control Panel. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 43 of 54 3.4 Wake On Lan The Wake On Lan feature allow 786LCD boards to be started over the LAN network after a Suspend To Disk (Hibernate). For a freeware application providing Wake On Lan support, AMD’s "Magic Packet Utility" can be found at : http://www.amd.com/products/np...acket.html Win2000 / WinXP: To enable the "Wake on LAN" function, go into. System Properties -> Hardware -> Device Manager -> Properties on SiS 900 -> SIS 900 Properties -> Power Management -> Mark both options. Select "Shut down" in the taskbar and choose "Hibernate" or "Shut down". By using the "Magic Packet Utility" or equivalent software another client can wake up the 786LCD over the LAN, by using the MAC/OUI address of the board to be waked. Win9x: Select "Shut down" in the taskbar and choose "Shut down" again depending on the Power Management setup in the Control Panel. Now use the "Magic Packet Utility" or equivalent Software on another client to wake up the 786LCD over the LAN , by using the MAC/OUI address of the board to be waked. The MAC/OUI address of the 786LCD board can be found in the Inside Section version info in the BIOS setup. 3.5 M-System Support of M-System in WinNT and Win2K requires M-System driver installed. M-System driver installation: 1) Insert the driver CD and enter the directory : M-System/WinNT 2) Right-Click on the file Trueffs.inf and choose install. 3) This installation will automatically copy files and register driver. 4) Reboot when requested. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 44 of 54 3.6 KONTRON API Interface This API was designed to enable users to access board features implemented on the 786LCD Boards family in Windows environment, Win98, WinNT4.0, Win2K and WinXP. 3.6.1 Installation The API contains the following files NT Device Driver Itapi2.sys Win9x Device Driver Itapi2.vxd Dynamic programming library Itlcd.dll API function declaration Itlcd.h 1. Insert the CD in the CDROM drive. 2. Run Setup.exe from the directory. : API_SW / Monitor 3. This installation will automatically install the api monitor All other files are platform independent and should be used within a programming project.. API function descriptions: DWORD OpenItlcd(VOID) This function opens the device driver Itlcd.sys for hardware communication and must be called in order to use any other functions within this API. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD CloseItlcd(VOID) This function closes the device driver. After closing the driver no attempt to communicate with the driver will be accepted. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD ReadMonitor(HWMON *Mon) This function takes a HWMON structure and fills the structure with valid data. For return structure see Itlcd.h for the individual data types. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD SetClrGPIO(BOOL SetClr,UCHAR GPIO) This function set or clears a GPIO pin, located on the feature port. Make sure to set pin direction before calling this function. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD ReadGPIO(UCHAR GPIO) This function reads a GPIO pin, located on the feature port. Make sure to set pin direction before calling this function. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD SetGPIODir(UCHAR GPIO) This function set the direction of the GPIO pins, located on the feature port. Make sure to call this function before calling ReadGPIO or SetClrGPIO. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD SetFanSpeed(UCHAR Speed) This function sets the fan speed in the interval between 0-127 where max. speed is 127. Any attempts to write values above 127 will be ignored. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 45 of 54 DWORD EnableWD(VOID) This function enables the watchdog timer. The user must call SetWDTimer and SetWDTimerInterval before calling this function to prevent immediately reboot. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD DisableWD(VOID) This function disables the watchdog timer. Any attempts to modify watchdog timers after calling this function will have no effect. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD SetWDTimer(UCHAR Time) This function sets the watchdog timer. An application must service this function and reload the timer to prevent reboot; the number of units is between 0-255. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD SetWDTimerInterval(UCHAR VAL) This function set the watchdog timer interval. The interval is multiplied with the WDTimer value and represents the time-out period. There are four selectable intervals listed in the Itlcd.h file. 4MS 1SEC 1MIN 1HOUR. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD SetCPUThrottle(UCHAR DUTY) This function set CPU throttle an application can call this function to slow down the CPU speed and save power. The selectable duty cycle intervals are listed in Itlcd.h. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD SetBLKControl(BOOL ON_OFF) This function turns on/off the backlight on the LCD display. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD SetLCDVCCControl(BOOL ON_OFF) This function turns on/off the LCDVVC on the LCD display. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD SetLCDVCC(BOOL VCC5_VCC3) This function sets the LCDVVC voltage on the LCD display. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD SetSerialInterface(UCHAR INTERFACE) This function selects the serial interface. The following interfaces are provided: RS232, RS422, and RS485. The values to be used are listed in Itlcd.h. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD SetSerialInterfaceDataControl(UCHAR PIN) This function selects the hardware data flow control used on RS422 and RS485 interfaces. Selectable values are listed in Itlcd.h. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD SetSerialInterfaceControl(UCHAR PIN) This function selects the hardware control flow control used on RS422 and RS485 interfaces. Selectable values are listed in Itlcd.h. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 46 of 54 DWORD ReadBoardHeader(PVOID Buffer) This function read the Kontron Header Info from the Memory Area. The argument passed to the function must be a pointer to a structure of minimum 8 Bytes. The information returned include Board name, Version of Hardware and Software, and OUI network address. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD SelectFanTempTacChannel(UCHAR Channel) This function selects the hardware Fan/Temp and Tachometer channel default is channel 0. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD SelectFanTempTacChannelType(UCHAR Type) This function selects the hardware sensor type a channel should be selected before calling this function the following sensor types are Diode/Transistor or Resistor. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 47 of 54 3.7 Windows CE.Net O/S Support This section gives a brief introduction for installing and using the Kontron Technology 786LCD Boards Support Package for Windows CE.Net. This package can be used to generate Windows CE.Net images to be run on the 786LCD. The use of the software supplied by Kontron Technology requires that the User has already installed Microsoft Windows CE.Net Platform Builder software on the Development system. Contact Your Microsoft distribution channel to purchase a copy of this. The 786LCD Board Support Package provided by Kontron Technology will add a 786LCD Driver library to the Microsoft Windows CE.Net Platform Builder software environment. These drivers have been qualified to operate with the 786LCD board and should be added when building CE.Net image to be executed on 786LCD. Currently most functions on the board have been qualified to operate however please read below for the current WinCE.Net support restriction for the 786LCD. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 48 of 54 3.7.1 Current 786LCD Windows CE.Net Support: Graphics Direct X Supported LCD Panels All Panels supported by BIOS is supported by WinCE: 320x200, 320x240, 640x480, 800x600, 848x480, 852x480, 853x480, 1024x768 & 1280x1024x8, Plasma. Dual Display Not Supported Communication Ethernet Supported Wake on LAN Not Supported Serial ports 1+2 Supported Serial ports 3+4 Supported Parallel port Supported Floppy Supported. USB Channels Channel 0 supported (USB port 1,4) Channel 1 not supported (USB port 2,3,5) Sound AC97/98 Supported DirectSound Supported Other M-System Supported Compact Flash Supported IDE Channel Primary Supported Secondary Supported IDE CDROM/DVD Supported Keyboard Supported PS/2 Supported Kontron API including: GPIO, CPU Temp., Fan rotation, Watchdog, CPU Throttle Supported Power Management Not Supported 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 49 of 54 3.7.2 786LCD Board Support Package Installation Prior to installation of the Kontron Technology Board Support the Microsoft Windows CE.Net Platform Builder must be installed on the Development platform. The installation program will install all required files to create a Windows CE.Net platform OS based on KONTRON Technology 786LCD/S board hardware architecture. The setup creates an OAL platform within Windows CE.Net platform builder, and adds a hardware component group to the platform builder catalog tree. The developer can then add the desired components to a specific platform. Installation: The Setup.exe program file located on the CD must be executed to perform a complete installation. Make sure the Windows CE.Net Platform Builder is installed on your system before running the setup file. Setup will fail the installation if the Platform builder is not correctly installed. Setup will copy all needed files to the Windows CE.Net Platform directory and will add a directory called 786LCD. This directory contains several source and device driver files, to create a Windows CE.Net OS image based on the 786LCD hardware architecture. Do not modify any of these files. The Setup.exe program also adds a “cec” file to the Platform builder containing information on the hardware components. If the package is already installed on your system the package will be removed and then reinstalled. For future Board Support Package updates from Kontron Technology including modification to source or device driver files, the latest files can be copied to the directories by re-running the Setup.exe. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 50 of 54 3.7.3 Installing the WinCE.Net boot loader The Windows CE.Net Boot Loader is an utility offered by Kontron Technology to allow to change various settings on a completed WinCE .Net image on the Target system. Settings like Graphics resolution, Base addresses for onboard devices etc. can be changed. Installation: To install the loader on a HDD or flash disk follow the sequence below: 1.) First make a bootable DOS floppy disk, with FDISK and FORMAT 2.) Copy the loader.exe to the disk 3.) Use the disk to boot your Target Windows CE system. 4.) Use the FDISK and FORMAT to prepare the HDD / flash disk. Do not use SYS or FORMAT /s, the loader does not use DOS. The loader only supports FAT12 and FAT16. Not FAT32. 5.) Copy loader.exe to the root dir of the HDD / flash disk 6.) Change drive to HDD / flash disk 7.) Type “loader.exe /install bootsector” to install the loader. 8.) Remove the floppy disk and reboot the system. Now the system will start the loader and show the menu: ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦+------------------------------------------------------------------------+¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ INSIDE Technology Windows CE Loader V3.00 ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ Main Board : Unknown Graphic Controller : Unknown ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦+------------------------------------------------------------------------+¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦+« Main »--------------------------------------------+¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦Launch Windows CE ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦Continue Booting Without Launching Windows CE ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦Boot Args Address : 0x801FFFFC ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦Load Windows CE From : Local Media ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦Windows CE file : NK.BIN ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦Load Registry : Disabled ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦Registry Path : \DOC\ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦Video Setup : Default ?¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦+----------------------------------------------------+¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦+« Help »----------------------------------------------------------------+¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ Copyright © INSIDE Technology 2001 ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦+------------------------------------------------------------------------+¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ 3.7.4 Using the WinCE.Net boot loader The following section described each Menu point displayed in the Loader. Launch Windows CE Start Windows CE Continue Booting Without Launching Windows CE / Exit To DOS Exit the loader Boot Args Address : 0x801FFFFC Address for a pointer to the boot arguments 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 51 of 54 Load Windows CE From : Local Media Local Media Load the image from a HDD / flash disk Serial Port Download the image over a serial port Parallel Port Download the image over a parallel port Ethernet Download the image over Ethernet This function uses the eboot.bin file Windows CE file : NK.BIN NK.BIN File name for the Windows CE image EBOOT.BIN File name for Ethernet boot image file Load Registry : Disabled INSIDE.REG Use the last saved registry. INSIDE.BAK Use the pre registry, the backup is made the first time the Flushreg is called. This function can be used as a last known good boot (registry) Disabled Do not load the registry Registry Path : \DOC\ The path for the boot drive inside Windows CE. To store the registry on a device you need a Windows CE driver for the device. Video Setup : Standard Standard 0 320x200, 1 480x240 (640x480), 2 640x480, 3 800x600, 4 1024x768, 5 480x240 (640x480), 6 320x240, 7 320x240-2 (640x480), 8 1280x1024 VESA The loader scans the bios to se if the requested modes are available in 8,16,24 & 32 Bits colours modes 320x200, 320x240, 640x480, 800x600, 848x480, 852x480, 853x480, 1024x768 & 1280x1024x8 Video Mode : 320x200x8 Selected mode. Debug Port : Com2 Disabled or address for serial debug port Debug Baud rate : 19200 Speed for serial debug port, note that the standard eboot.bin only use 38400 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 52 of 54 Parallel Port : LPT1: 0x3BC Base addresses for debug parallel port Ethernet Debug : Disabled Use an Ethernet card for debug Ethernet Card : NE 2000 SMC 9000 SMC9000 base Ethernet card NE 2000 : ne2000 based Ethernet card RTL8029 (NE 2000 PCI) The loader scans for a RTL8029 controller The first found is used as debug card Ethernet IRQ : 10 IRQ for debug Ethernet card Ethernet Base I/O : 0x0320 Base address for debug Ethernet card Ethernet Debug IP : DHCP DHCP : use server to get Debug IP address Static : use entered IP address EDBG Debug Zones : 0x0000 Sets debug zones. Show loading picture : Disabled This function is not available in this version Menu popup : Always Always Only if F1 Press during boot Never Verbose : Disabled Disabled : no information under boot Enable : display information about nk.bin under boot Store NK.BIN local : Disabled Enable This function only works if serial or parallel is used to download. Install boot sector / Remove loader from boot sector For install or removing the boot sector Save menu options Save the menu settings to the loader.exe 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 53 of 54 3.8 Kontron Technology 786LCD Hardware API for WinCE.Net 3.8.1 Introduction This API was designed to enable users to access board features implemented on the 786LCD Board family in Windows CE environment. 3.8.2 Installation The API contains the following files WinCE Device Driver Itlcd.dll API function declaration Itlcd.h Test sample source Ithwm.cpp Please take a look at the Ithwm.cpp source file, which illustrate how to use the device driver. API function descriptions: DWORD InitHw(VOID) This function initializes the hardware and must be called in order to use any other functions within this API. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD ReadMonitor(HWMON *Mon) This function takes a HWMON structure and fills the structure with valid data. For return structure see Itlcd.h for the individual data types. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD SetClrGPIO(BOOL SetClr,UCHAR GPIO) This function set or clears a GPIO pin, located on the feature port. Make sure to set pin direction before calling this function. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD ReadGPIO(UCHAR GPIO) This function reads a GPIO pin, located on the feature port. Make sure to set pin direction before calling this function. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is the GPIO pin state. DWORD SerGPIODir(UCHAR GPIO) This function set the direction of the GPIO pins, located on the feature port. Make sure to call this function before calling ReadGPIO or SetClrGPIO. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD SetFanSpeed(UCHAR Speed) This function sets the fan speed in the interval between 0-127 where max. speed is 127. Any attempts to write values above 127 will be ignored. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD EnableWD(VOID) This function enables the watchdog timer. The user must call SetWDTimer and SetWDTimerInterval before calling this function to prevent immediately reboot. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. 786LCD Board family software manual Revision 1.4 Kontron Technology A/S. Page 54 of 54 DWORD DisableWD(VOID) This function disables the watchdog timer. Any attempts to modify watchdog timers after calling this function will have no effect. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD SetWDTimer(UCHAR Time) This function sets the watchdog timer. An application must service this function and reload the timer to prevent reboot; the number of units is between 0-255. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD SetWDTimerInterval(UCHAR VAL) This function set the watchdog timer interval. The interval is multiplied with the WDTimer value and represents the time-out period. There are four selectable intervals listed in the Itlcd.h file. 4MS 1SEC 1MIN 1HOUR. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD SetCPUThrottle(UCHAR DUTY) This function set CPU throttle an application can call this function to slow down the CPU speed and save power. The selectable duty cycle intervals are listed in Itlcd.h. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD SetBLKControl(BOOL ON_OFF) This function turns on/off the backlight on the LCD display. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD SetLCDVCCControl(BOOL ON_OFF) This function turns on/off the LCDVVC on the LCD display. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD SetLCDVCC(BOOL VCC5_VCC3) This function sets the LCDVVC voltage on the LCD display. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD SetSerialInterface(UCHAR INTERFACE) This function selects the serial interface. The following interfaces are provided: RS232, RS422, and RS485. The values to be used are listed in Itlcd.h. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD SetSerialInterfaceDataControl(UCHAR PIN) This function selects the hardware data flow control used on RS422 and RS485 interfaces. Selectable values are listed in Itlcd.h. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. DWORD SetSerialInterfaceControl(UCHAR PIN) This function selects the hardware control flow control used on RS422 and RS485 interfaces. Selectable values are listed in Itlcd.h. Return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. Otherwise the value is zero. Version 1.4 - 14. November 2002 |
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Откуда: Сургут, Тюменская обл Всего сообщений: 484 Рейтинг пользователя: 0 Ссылка Дата регистрации на форуме: 15 окт. 2012 |
А образом диска от вуду не поделитесь? |
заяц |
NEW! Сообщение отправлено: 9 января 2015 15:35
Piligrimm1976 написал: Нет А образом диска от вуду не поделитесь? Но могу продать вместе с ускорителями - рублей так за 500+ доставка |
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Откуда: Иркутск Всего сообщений: 479 Рейтинг пользователя: 0 Ссылка Дата регистрации на форуме: 8 дек. 2014 |
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NEW! Сообщение отправлено: 9 января 2015 15:38 Сообщение отредактировано: 9 января 2015 15:39
Если правильно понял, что за ускорители хочешь 500руб то готов забрать. Piligrimm1976, могу скинуть образ от банши |
заяц |
NEW! Сообщение отправлено: 9 января 2015 15:48
acorp написал: Ну да - переходим в ЛС Если правильно понял, что за ускорители хочешь 500руб то готов забрать. Не забываем про сумму пересылки |
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Advanced Member
Откуда: Сургут, Тюменская обл Всего сообщений: 484 Рейтинг пользователя: 0 Ссылка Дата регистрации на форуме: 15 окт. 2012 |
acorp Давайте могу скинуть образ от банши |
заяц |
NEW! Сообщение отправлено: 10 января 2015 12:26
заяц написал: Цена и указана за всю кучу - 3000 руб. По мере продаж - будет корректироватся и цена В случае продажи - убедительная просьба обозначить твердую цену/эквивалент обмена на материнские платы, процессор и память в соответствии с п. 5.6 Правил данного форума. |
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[Москва] LIQUID-Акция. Сливаются разъемы CF МС7004 и 7004А на AT и XT Пайка термотрубок Проммать s478 PEAK 715VL2-HT ( Full-Size SBC) Подскажите по 386 материке по джамперам. |
Самые активные 5 тем |
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В случае продажи - убедительная просьба обозначить твердую цену/эквивалент обмена на материнские платы, процессор и память в соответствии с п. 5.6 Правил данного форума.
На исправление даются сутки, далее тема будет заблокирована.
Также просьба не забывать про п. 5.4 Правил - обозначайте город/регион в названии создаваемой темы.
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