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Полностью переработал инструкцию по установке обновлений для Windows 95 OSR 2.0 Каждое обновление по возможности снабдил коротким описанием. [q] Порядок установки обновлений для русской and english version Windows 95 OSR 2.0 by Takedasun \t\tWindows 95 updates =================================================== Устанавливаем Windows 95 OSR 2.0
-FILE-\tUSBSUPP.EXE (RUS) Windows 95B OSR 2.1 USB Service Update Pack (USBSUP) 4.03.1214 upgrades OSR 2.0 to OSR 2.1, installs new KERNEL32.DLL 4.03.1212 and support for new USB, AGP and PCI peripherals. USB Supplement Update 1 (4.03.1214) - патч, обновляющий OSR 2.0 до OSR 2.1 (русский), добавляет в систему поддержку технологий USB, WDM и AGP, существует также устаревшая версия этого патча (4.03.1212) и специальные OEM версии от производителей оборудования (файл OEMUSB.EXE).
-FILE- mdcu95r.exe (только для русской версии) включен в список как альтернатива официальным обновлениям Microsoft. Можно установить неофициальный кумулятивный пакет обновлений для русской версии Windows 95 OSR 2.1 от maxud. (В "Maximus Decim Cumulative Update for Windows 95 OSR 2.1" входят апдейты: 168115RU5.EXE, 245729RU5.EXE, 249863RUS5.EXE (этот апдейт судя по всему отсутствует в MDCU), 256015RUS5.EXE, 259728RUS5.EXE, 273727USA5.EXE, AMDK6UPD.EXE (файл VMM.VXD на немецком), PCCARDUPD.EXE, Q240308.EXE, TELNET95.EXE, USBUPD2.EXE, W95Y2K.EXE (не достает файлов IE4SETUP.EXE и SHELL32.DLL)). После применения этого пакета обновлений, можно пропустить установку обновлений далее по списку, которые уже имеются в этом кумулятивном пакете.
-FILE-\tUSBUPD2.EXE Windows 95C OSR 2.5 USB Service Update Pack 2 (USBSUP2) upgrades OSR 2.1 to OSR 2.5 and installs new USB drivers OPENHCI.SYS, UHCD.SYS, USBD.SYS + USBHUB.SYS 4.03.1215 USB Supplement Update 2 (4.03.1216) - патч, обновляющий OSR 2.1 до OSR 2.5 (только английский), расширяет поддержку вышеуказанных технологий.
-FILE-\tUSBQFE.EXE Unofficial Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.x USB Service Update QFE (USBQFE) OPENHCI.SYS 4.03.1217, UHCD.SYS 4.03.1218 + USBHUB.SYS 4.03.1218 (installed in %windir%\SYSTEM) and VFWWDM32.DLL 4.03.1214 (installed in %windir%\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS) Fix USB Supplement Update 3 (4.03.1218) - неофициальный патч, устраняющий проблему зависания Windows при горячем подключении USB устройств (только английский).
-FILE-\tAMDK6UPD.EXE Microsoft Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.x AMD CPUs > 350 MHz Protection Error NTKERN.VXD (OSR 2.1 ONLY!), ESDI_506.PDR, HSFLOP.PDR, SCSIPORT.PDR, CDFS.VXD, DISKTSD.VXD, INT13.VXD, IOS.VXD + VFBACKUP.VXD Requires 90 MHz or faster x86 CPU + minimum 32 MB RAM! AMD K6-2/350 CPU Update (обновленная версия) - важное обновление для поддержки быстрых процессоров (> 350 MHz), старая версия и описание установки, ручная установка (если недоступен Safe Mode или портятся русские имена файлов (ставить до первой загрузки)), при установке USB Supplement Update 1 поверх данного обновления, на вопрос о сохранении файла NTKERN.VXD отвечать утвердительно.
-FILE-\tFLOPFIX.EXE BUG: Fix above (re)enables Floppy Seek Registry setting! FIX: MUST Install this FLOPFIX. EXE [62 KB] AFTER installing Fix above to disable Floppy Seek Registry setting! Q192841, Q159153, Q234259 Unofficial FLOPUPD.EXE INF Fix - отключение функции обнаружения флоппи дисководов (Floppy Seek), включаемой после установки обновлений FLOPUPD.EXE/FLOPUPD2.EXE (PnP Support for Floppy Drives) и AMD K6-2/350 CPU Update, ставить по необходимости.
-FILE-\tSPEU.exe Windows Library Update (12/17/98) This update resolves an issue that can cause some third party software to behave unexpectedly after the installation of the Works Suite 99, Encarta Encyclopedia 99 (US only), Encarta Virtual Globe 99, Studio Greetings 99, and/or other third party software. (если не устанавливается автоматом, нужно распаковать и запустить setup.exe)
-FILE-\tPCCARDUPD.EXE Windows 95 OEM SR2 Update for Proper Plug and Play Operation with Multifunction CardBus Cards Updates for Windows 95 OEM SR2 that resolves several issues.
-FILE-\tinfinst_enu_3.20.1008.zip У тех у кого чипсет Intel - то для них стоит отметить, что заключительная версия Intel® Chipset Software Installation Utility, которая выпущена для Windows 95 - является версия 3.20.1008.Из файла Readme.txt к версии 3.20.1008 можно узнать, что самый последний чипсет, который она поддерживает - это Intel® 860 Chipset.
-FILE-\tVIA_4in1 (4.45v).zip Если у материнской платы чипсет VIA, то рекомендуется использовать версию пакета VIA 4in1 4.45. По наблюдениям многих пользователей именно версия 4.45 зарекомендовала себя как наиболее быстрая и стабильная на Windows 9x. Более поздние версии пакета VIA 4in1 тоже пока поддерживают Windows 95, но они уже не оптимизируются и не совершенствуются для Windows 95 и от их установки выигрыша по сравнению с 4.45 в Windows 95 не будет.
-FILE-\tdma.png Рекомендуется включить DMA режим для жёстких дисков для повышения быстродействия Windows 9x/ME
-FILE-\tdx80aeng.exe (RUS) DirectX 8.0a и его неофициальный апдейт DX904706.EXE Ставим DirectX 8.0a. Почему сейчас? Некоторые видео и звуковые карты требуют установленного DirectX не ниже определенной версии перед установкой драйверов и если не обнаруживают, ставят его со своего диска, а там может быть не самая свежая версия. А вот теперь ставим драйвера видео, звука, и прочих устройств.
-FILE-\tintellipointv_2.2.zip -FILE-\tIP4_0EngALLMsi.exe Рекомендуется установить Microsoft IntelliPoint Mouse Driver 4.0 ENG или 2.2 ENG - драйвер от MS для поддержки дополнительных возможностей мыши в Win95, главным образом нужен для поддержки колёсика прокрутки.
\tMicrosoft Plus! for Windows 95 Пакет дополнительных программ, визуальных улучшений и тем оформления рабочего стола для Windows 95. Включает в себя набор программ для подключения к Интернету (Internet Jumpstart Kit) и в частности браузер Internet Explorer 1.0, программы сжатия дисков DriveSpace 3 и Compression Agent, обновленную версию программы ScanDisk, планировщик заданий System Agent, сервер удаленного доступа (Dial-Up Networking Server), темы оформления рабочего стола (Desktop Themes) в количестве 12-ти штук, игру 3D Pinball - Space Cadet и разнообразные графические улучшения, такие как сглаживание шрифтов, перетаскивание окон с отображением их содержимого, растягивание обоев на весь экран, полноцветные значки. INSTALL MS PLUS! 95 OVER MS IE 3/4/5 BUG: MS Plus! 95 Setup looks in the Registry for previously installed MS Plus! components, "sees" your current MS IE version, and as a consequence aborts, displaying an error message. FIX: Run Regedit and go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer In the right hand pane look for the "IVer" String Value with the default numeric value of "103", but which could be different on your PC, depending on your particular MS IE build. Delete the IVer Value: right-click on "IVer" > select Delete or press the Del key > click Yes or press Enter. Close Registry Editor and restart Windows.
-FILE-\tw95y2k.exe (RUS) Windows 95 Year 2000 Update. (отказаться от установки Internet Explorer 4, так как будет установлен IE 5.5) In an ongoing effort to address possible issues associated with the Year 2000, Microsoft has identified several minor Year 2000 issues within Windows® 95. This update addresses these known issues which are associated with generating dates on your computer on or after January 1, 2000. The known issues cover leap year calculations in particular circumstances, the handling of some date/time settings, and incorrect logging of on-line calling.
-FILE-\tw95euro.exe (RUS) Euro Currency Support for Windows 95 This update adds euro currency symbol support to the Microsoft® Windows® 95 operating system. Files will be automatically updated to enable enhanced display font support for the euro symbol, keyboard and printing support, as well as the ability to use the euro symbol as your default currency.
-FILE-\t2_4date.exe 2 to 4 Digit Date Conversion Tool (9/10/99) This 2 to 4 Digit Date Conversion Tool allows IT managers to quickly and simply set the default Short Date format in Control Panel/Regional Settings to display 4 digit years. Running this tool on any version of Windows 95 or 98 will set the year portion of the date format to display 4 digits.
\tMicrosoft Internet Explorer 5.5 (RUS) With Internet Explorer you can browse, communicate and collaborate on the Web. Выбираем полную установку (ВСЕ компоненты исключая поддержку иностранных языков) IE 5.5sp2 можно установить с поддержкой ActiveDesktop, LaunchBar.Но для этого нужна ПОЛНАЯ инсталяция IE55sp2. И только если Internet Explorer 5.5SP2 был установлен с опцией обновления рабочего стола (ActiveDesktop) обязательно необходимо установить Q313829 ??? - Security Update 7 March 2002 (shell.dll). \tУстановка Windows Desktop Update (aka Active Desktop Shell Update) в Windows 95 с IE 5.5 SP2 Способ 1: Посредством установки IE 4.0 SP2 с обновлением до версии 5.5 SP2. Этот способ является официальным и рекомендуемым, поскольку компонент Windows Desktop Update в IE 4.0 SP2 новее, чем в полной версии IE 5.5 SP2 (судя по датам компиляции файлов и сравнению содержимого в WinHex) и к тому же IE 5.5 не содержит многих компонентов из IE 4.0 (Microsoft Chat, FrontPage Express, Web Publishing Wizard, Microsoft Wallet, Microsoft Music Control, Microsoft Agent, VDOLive Player и т.п.). Если при установке браузера не появляется запрос на установку компонента Windows Desktop Update необходимо убедиться, что в дистрибутиве IE присутствует файл IE4SHL95.CAB, а также отсутствует параметр Shell_Integration=0 в файле IESETUP.INI (должно быть Shell_Integration=1 или вообще ничего). Способ 2: Посредством установки полной (80 Мб) версии IE 5.5 SP2. По умолчанию Windows Desktop Update не включен в список устанавливаемых компонентов IE 5.x, чтобы это исправить необходимо сразу после запуска IE5SETUP.EXE перейти в папку C:\WINDOWS\TEMP, найти файл IESETUP.CIF, открыть его в текстовом редакторе и в секции [IE4Shell_Win] изменить параметр UIVISIBLE=0 на UIVISIBLE=1, после чего сохранить изменения и продолжить установку. Как вариант можно перед установкой распаковать архив IE5SETUP.EXE в папку с дистрибутивом, отредактировать файл IESETUP.CIF и запускать установку через IE5WZD.EXE. Можно также перепаковать архив IE5SETUP.EXE, включив в него измененный файл IESETUP.CIF или создать custom сборку IE 5.5 SP2 с помощью Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK). Можно поступить еще проще, создав в папке с дистрибутивом ярлык или .bat файл, назвав его Windows Desktop Update к примеру, со строкой IE5SETUP.EXE /C:"ie5wzd /e:IE4Shell_WIN /I:y" и запустить его уже после установки IE. В этом случае будет выполнена форсированная установка обновления поверх установленной копии IE независимо от выбранного типа установки. При этом в списке устанавливаемых компонентов Windows Desktop Update виден не будет. Параметр Shell_Integrated=1 в IE 5.x не работает. Способ 3: Вручную, с помощью файла IE4SHELL.INF. Ставим IE 5.5 SP2 (любой комплектации), распаковываем архив IE4SHL95.CAB (лучше из дистрибутива IE 4.0 SP2), щелкаем правой кнопкой мыши на файле IE4SHELL.INF, выбираем "Установить" и перезагружаемся. После перезагрузки идем в "Панель управления" - "Установка и удаление программ" - "Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2" и выбираем пункт "Восстановить".
\tUpdates IE
-FILE-\tscr56en.exe (RUS) Windows Script Update (Java Script Update 5.6, Visual Basic Script Update 5.6)
-FILE-\tIE5.5sp2-KB823353-x86-ENU.exe (RUS) Last Outloook Express 5.5sp2 Camutative Update
-FILE-\tIE5.5sp2-KB867801-x86-ENU.exe (RUS) Last Internet Explorere 5.5sp2 Camulative Update К сожалению, после лета 2004 года патчи дляie 5.5 sp2 выпускаются только для Windows ME.
-FILE-\tmsjavwu.exe Microsoft Java Virtual Machine
-FILE-\tsun java version 1_3_1-win-i.exe Java SE Runtime Environment - последняя версия, поддерживающая Windows 95 (можно попробовать поставить и более поздние версии, например, но имеются ошибки при установке)
-FILE-\tVRDRUPD.EXE Virtual Network Redirector Upd (09/11/97)
-FILE-\tSECUPD2.EXE Windows 95 Update to Encrypt Passwords in Memory (05/27/97) If a computer running Windows 95 is left unattended while a user is logged on to a network, it may be possible to obtain that user's network password by a programmatic examination of the computer's memory. Typically, accomplishing this would require physical access to the computer. However, the network password could also potentially be acquired if a program designed to search for passwords using the same examination of memory were to be downloaded and run by a currently logged-on user.
-FILE-\tnwredup4.exe Windows NDS PW Security Upd (05/27/97)
-FILE-\tWS2SETUP.EXE (RUS) w95ws2ru.exe - Соответствут стандартной установке WinSock 2 с заменой английских файлов на русские. Windows Socket 2 Update (3/19/98) This is a Windows Socket 2 Update for Microsoft® Windows® 95. This update resolves a number of Winsock2 issues. This update also resolves a number of TCP/IP stack issues.
-FILE-\tMSWS2UPD.exe Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 Winsock Errors MSWSOCK.DLL + RNR20.DLL 4.10.1657 Fix: Requires Winsock Upgrade 2.0 already installed!
-FILE-\tRNR20UPD.EXE Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 Winsock 2.0 Error RNR20.DLL 4.10.1662 Fix: Requires Winsock Upgrade 2.0 already installed!
-FILE-\tmsdun13.exe (RUS) MS DUN 1.3 Performance & Security Upd (8/14/98)
-FILE-\tvpnupd.exe Microsoft Virtual Private Networking (7/7/99) This update improves Virtual Private Networking stability. The Windows Virtual Private Networking Update is designed to work with Windows 95 if the Windows Dial-up Networking 1.3 has been installed. This \tupdate improves Virtual Private Networking stability.
-FILE-\ty2kvdhcp.exe (RUS) Microsoft DUN 1.3 and Winsock2 Year 2000 Update. (10/14/1999) In an ongoing effort toward Year 2000 compliance, Microsoft has identified a minor Year 2000 issues with the Windows® 95 DUN 1.3 and Winsock2 Updates. This update corrects a minor issue associated with generating dates on your computer on or after January 1, 2000.
-FILE-\t265334US5.exe Malformed IPX Ping Packet Vulnerability (8/1/2000)
-FILE-\t273727USA5.EXE Malformed IPX NMPI Packet Vulnerability (9/28/2000)
-FILE-\tq240308.exe Security Update, September 7, 1999 This update eliminates security vulnerabilities in two ActiveX controls: Scriptlet.typlib and Eyedog. Without this update, these controls can be maliciously used to perform unauthorized actions, like creating, deleting, or modifying files on a user's computer.
-FILE-\tTELNET95.EXE (recommended msdun13) Security Update, September 9, 1999 This update eliminates a vulnerability in the Telnet client that ships as part of Windows® 95. The vulnerability could allow a web page to take malicious action on the computer of the user who visited the page. For example, this web page could create, delete or modify files, reformat the hard drive, or send data to or from a web page.
-FILE-\tspeu20.exe Critical Update, September 10, 1999 This is an update for Microsoft Library 1.0. MLU 1.0, which resolves the vulnerabilities that cause some third-party software applications to behave unexpectedly after the installation of the Microsoft Works Suite 99, Encarta Encyclopedia 99 (U.S. only), Encarta Virtual Globe 99, and Studio Greetings 99. This update also addresses a Year 2000 issue that causes some applications that are built with the Microsoft Foundation Classes to improperly handle dates that are later than December 31, 1999. In addition, this update addresses an unrelated April 1, 2001 date-handling issue.
-FILE-\t245729USA5.EXE (RUS) Security Update, November 12, 1999 This update eliminates the "File Access URL" vulnerability in Microsoft Windows® 95. Installing this update will prevent a malicious web site or e-mail message from exploiting that vulnerability to cause your computer to crash or run arbitrary code.
-FILE-\t238453US5.exe Security Update 1, November 29, 1999 The "Spoofed Route Pointer" vulnerability. This vulnerability could allow a malicious user to obtain network or other information by performing source routing via your Windows 95 computer, even if source routing has been disabled. Installing this update will eliminate this vulnerability and provide additional control over source routing. For more information, please visit Microsoft Security Bulletin MS99-038. The "Fragmented IGMP Packet" vulnerability. This vulnerability exists in TCP/IP stack implementations of Microsoft Windows 95. If fragmented or malformed, Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) data packets can cause a variety of problems in Windows 95, ranging from slowing system performance to system failure. For more information, please visit Microsoft Security Bulletin MS99-034.
-FILE-\t168115US5.exe (RUS) Security Update 1, November 29, 1999 Microsoft has released a patch that eliminates a security vulnerability in Microsoft® Windows® 95 and 98 caused by a legacy mechanism for caching network security credentials. The vulnerability could allow a user's plaintext network password to be retrieved from the cache.
-FILE-\t249973USA5.EXE (RUS) Security Update, January 17, 2000 Installing this update will eliminate the "Malformed RTF Control Word" security vulnerability. This vulnerability resides in the Rich Text Format (RTF) reader that ships as part of Microsoft® Windows 95. Under certain conditions, the vulnerability could be used to cause e-mail programs to crash.
-FILE-\t256015USA5.EXE (RUS) Security Update, March 17, 2000 This update eliminates the "DOS Device in Path Name" security vulnerability found in Microsoft Windows 95. With this update, you can help prevent a malicious user from causing your computer to crash by accessing a file or folder whose path contained certain reserved words.
-FILE-\t259728USA5.EXE (RUS) Security Update, May 19, 2000 This update resolves the "IP Fragment Reassembly" security vulnerability in Windows 95. Installing this update will help minimize the negative effects that fragmented Internet Protocol (IP) datagrams could have on your computer's central processing unit (CPU). IP datagrams are a necessary part of network and Internet communication. If a continuous stream of fragmented IP datagrams with a particular malformation were sent to an affected computer, it could be made to devote most or all of its CPU availability to processing these fragments. The vulnerability would not allow a malicious user to compromise data on the computer or usurp administrative control over it.
-FILE-\tFrancFix.exe Critical Update, August 14, 2000 This update resolves the "High Encryption Configuration Prevents Outlook Express Replies" issue in some Windows 98, Windows 95, and Windows NT® 4.0 computers. A computer is vulnerable if it is configured with 128-bit encryption and the Input Locale is set to French. If a computer with this configuration receives an Outlook® Express e-mail message from a computer with 56-bit encryption, replying to this e-mail message may cause the computer with 128-bit encryption to stop responding.
-FILE-\tcrlupd.exe (Versions of Internet Explorer no earlier than 4.01 SP2) Security Upd, April 2, 2001 This update resolves the "Erroneous VeriSign-Issued Digital Certificates Pose Spoofing Hazard" security vulnerability, and is discussed in Microsoft Security Bulletin MS01-017. Download now to prevent an unauthorized user from running code on your computer by digitally signing programs as "Microsoft Corporation." VeriSign, Inc. issued two VeriSign digital certificates to an individual who fraudulently claimed to be a Microsoft employee; this allows the individual to sign programs, ActiveX® controls, Office macros, and other executable content as originating from "Microsoft Corporation." This update prevents the two erroneously signed certificates from being accepted as valid. For more information about this update, read Microsoft Security Bulletin MS01-017. (This site is in English.)
-FILE-\tQ313829.exe ??? (под вопросом) Security Update 7 March 2002 Requires MS IE 5.5 SP2 [84 MB, English] already installed with Active Desktop (View As Web Page) enabled! BUG: This SHELL32.DLL fix breaks the ability of removing annoying arrows from Desktop shortcut icons! FIX: See "PATCHED SHELL32.DLL BUG + FIX", also in TIPS98.TXT (part of W95-11D.EXE), for complete details. И только если Internet Explorer 5.5SP2 был установлен с опцией обновления рабочего стола (ActiveDesktop) обязательно необходимо установить Q313829 ??? - Security Update 7 March 2002 (shell.dll).
-FILE-\t273991USA5.EXE Windows Share Level Password Update This update resolves the "Windows Share Level Password" vulnerability in Windows 95. If a computer that is linked to a network has File and Print Sharing enabled, and has at least one password-protected folder shared, it may be possible for a user on the network to gain unauthorized access to the folder. This vulnerability exists because of the way the password feature of share level access is implemented for Windows 95 computers. A malicious user can exploit this vulnerability and use a special client utility to gain access to a share without knowing the entire password, and may be able to retrieve, modify, or delete any file within that share. Download now to help prevent unauthorized access to files that are shared over a network that uses share level security.
-FILE-\tvtdapi95.exe After 49.7 days of continuous operation, your Windows-based computer may stop responding (hang). Upd Vtdapi.vxd File (49.7 day crash fix) Q216641
-FILE-\trootsupd.exe Root Certificates Update (is necessary on Win95 only if IE5 or above is installed.)
-FILE-\tInstMsiA.exe Windows Installer 2.0
-FILE-\t401comupd.exe Upd comctl32.dll for Win95 Часто сталкиваюсь с тем, что различные программы при установке ставят вместе с собой обновления Windows. Например, Common Controls Update. Но здесь кроется подводный камень (актуально для владельцев первых Pentium и 486, на более быстрых машинах незаметно). Дело в том, что после установки Common Controls 5.0 (файл называется 50comupd.exe, может входить в дистрибутивы разных программ) время открытия папки с парой десятков (и более) файлов в ней увеличивается СИЛЬНО. Я сам попался на это, стремясь установить все самое новое. Что делать: ограничиться Common Controls 4.01. Это обновление уже обеспечивает все нужные возможности (настройка кнопок на панели инструментов в MS Office и других программах), но не тормозит работу. Пока что я не видел программ, которым этого мало. Если вы вдруг заметили, что Ваши папки стали открываться УЖАСНО медленно, значит, стоит установить 401comupd.exe. Поверх установленного 5.0 он НЕ БУДЕТ УСТАНАВЛИВАТЬСЯ сам, поэтому придется ему помочь. Нужно открыть файл 401comupd.exe через WinRAR или FAR (Ctrl+PgDown) - это CAB SFX архив. Извлекаем из него файлы, жмем правой кнопкой мыши на файл с расширением INF, выбираем "установить". Затем предложат перезагрузку, после которой все должно работать быстро, как раньше.
-FILE-\tPRNT5UPD.EXE Windows LPT Virtual Device Upd prnt5upd.exe (11/18/96) lpt.vxd 4.00.953 to 4.00.955
-FILE-\trbupdate.exe OLE DB Provider for Internet Publishing Update rbupdate.exe (4/13/01)
\t\tWindows Components
-FILE-\tDCOM95.exe (RUS) DCOM for Windows 95 ver.1.3.(Только если НЕ БУДЕТ установлен Internet Explorer 5.5SP2, необходимо установить DCOM95 - DCOM for Windows 95 ver.1.3.)
-FILE-\tMDAC_TYP.EXE (RUS) Microsoft Data Access Components 2.6 SP2 (Перед этим обязательно установить Microsoft DCOM95 1.3)
-FILE-\tENU_Q832483_MDAC_x86.EXE (RUS) Security Patch MDAC
-FILE-\tJet40SP8_9xNT.exe (RUS) Microsoft Jet 4.0 Service Pack 8 (SP8) (12/9/2003) This download is for Microsoft Jet 4.0 Service Pack 8 (SP8), discussed in Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 829558. Jet SP8 contains updated versions of several files that are utilized by Microsoft Access 2000/2002, Microsoft Office 2000/XP Developer, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Visual Basic, and other Microsoft products that incorporate Microsoft Jet database engine version 4.0. Note: If you have installed Jet 4.0 SP8 for Access 2000, Office 2000, or another application that uses the Jet 4.0 engine, you do not have to reinstall Jet 4.0 SP8 for Access 2002 or Office XP.
-FILE-\tJet40Repl.exe The Microsoft Jet replication update, Jet40Repl.exe, is a Setup program that updates certain files that are used by Access and by Microsoft Replication Manager 4.0.
-FILE-\tMSXML3.MSI Microsoft XML Parser (MSXML) 3.0 SP7
-FILE-\tunicows.exe Microsoft Layer for Unicode
-FILE-\taspi32.exe Adaptec ASPI v.4.60(1021) (как самую стабильную и совместимую версию). Зачем? А чтоб все что связано с CD-ROM/R/RW работало без глюков.
\t\tCOMMUNICATIONS \t Устанавливать по необходимости
-FILE-\tW95irxfer.exe Microsoft Infrared Transfer Version 1.0 Microsoft Infrared Transfer Version lets you transfer files using infrared with one mouse click.
-FILE-\tW95ir.exe Windows 95 IrDA 2.0 Infrared Driver With this download, you can set up your wireless peripheral devices or Infrared-equipped Windows-based PCs.
-FILE-\ttapi2195.exe Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 TAPI v2.1 Update [298 KB, English]. Windows 98 + ME include TAPI 2.1!
-FILE-\tTAPIUPD.EXE Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 DUN Cannot Dial Local Area Code TAPI32.DLL 4.10.1688 Requires TAPI 2.1 Update [298 KB] already installed!
-FILE-\tW95powertoy.exe Windows 95 Power Toys Set Posted 28 Oct 98 The PowerToys Set download allows users to install all of the available power tools--productivity tools for advanced users--at once.
-FILE-\tw95krnltoys Windows 95 Kernel Toys Set Posted 28 Oct 98 With the Kernel Toys Set update, you can download all available Kernel Toys--productivity tools for power users--at once.
\t\tWindows Media Player
-FILE-\tmpfull.exe (RUS) Windows Media Player 6.4 (Windows Media Player 6.4 входит в состав ie5.5)
\tUpdates WMP 6.4
-FILE-\twmsu47357.exe (RUS) Windows Media Player 6.4 Security Patch: ASX Processor Contains Unchecked Buffer This update addresses two security vulnerabilities that are related to each other only by the fact that they both affect Windows Media Player. The two vulnerabilities are a buffer overrun in the functionality used to process Active Stream Redirector (.ASX) files, and a vulnerability affecting how Windows Media Player handles Internet shortcuts. In addition, this update addresses a potential privacy vulnerability that was recently identified.
-FILE-\twm320920_64.exe (RUS) Microsoft has released a patch that eliminates a Cache Disclosure vulnerability via Windows Media Player 6.4.
-FILE-\tQ828026_9x.EXE For Windows Media Player 6.4 - 9. More easily manage the behavior of embedded URL script commands in Windows Media audio and video (.asf) files and streams.
-FILE-\tQ832353.exe After installation of Update for Windows Media Player Script Commands (KB828026), some URL script commands do not respond correctly. This package helps resolve the issue. In addition, it helps resolve an installer issue that could cause 100% CPU utilization in certain scenarios. (KB832353)
-FILE-\tWMP71W95.BAT (RUS) Windows Media Player 7.1
\tUpdates WMP 7.1
-FILE-\twm312125.exe The video codec that is included in the Windows Media Format 7.1 Software Development Kit (SDK) may not properly detect and use processor optimizations in the latest Intel Pentium 4 and AMD Athlon XP processors
-FILE-\twm320920_71.exe Windows Media Player 7.1: Patch for Cache Disclosure, Privilege Elevation, and Script Vulnerabilities Microsoft has released a patch that eliminates three security vulnerabilities in Microsoft® Windows Media™ Player 7.1. One is a Cache Disclosure vulnerability via Windows Media Player. The second is a Privilege Elevation vulnerability through Windows Media Device Manager Service. The third is a Media Playback Script Invocation vulnerability.
\tCodecs WMP 6.4
-FILE-\twmp6cdcs.exe Codecs Installation Package for Windows Media Player 6.4 This package is for network administrators who wish to deliver support for the latest Windows Media Audio and Video codecs to their enterprise desktops running Windows Media Player 6.4.
-FILE-\tWMPCDCS8.EXE Windows Media Player Codecs
\t\tMicrosoft Visual C++
-FILE-\tmsvbvm50.exe Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Pack 5.0
-FILE-\tVB6.0-KB290887-X86.exe Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Pack 6.0 SP6
-FILE-\tmsvcp50_dll.rar Visual C++ 5.0 Runtimes Extract a new copy of the Msvcp50.dll file from the msvcp50_dll.rar to the %systemroot%\system folder on the computer's hard disk.
-FILE-\tQ932590.EXE Unofficial Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2/98/98 SP1/98 SE/NT4/ME TZ Environment Variable Errors MSVCRT.DLL 6.1.9848.0
-FILE-\tvc6redistsetup_enu.exe Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 SP6 Redistribution Pack (рекомендуется процессор с частотой не менее 233MHZ)
-FILE-\tflashplayer7r73_winax.exe Internet Explorer (However, you MUST use a spoofer to trick those sites into thinking you are using at least Flash 8.)
-FILE-\tflashplayer7r73_win.exe Netscape (However, you MUST use a spoofer to trick those sites into thinking you are using at least Flash 8.)
-FILE-\tflash_7_youtube_spoof.zip Flash 7 is the only version of the Flash player that works under Windows 95, NT 3.51, and NT 4. Recently Youtube updated their site so flash 7 users are advised to update their player, and the video refuses to play. Place this modified Flash 7 file over your existing Npswf32.dll to make Youtube and possibly other sites think you actually have Flash 8. The source of this patch is from the MSFN forums http://www.msfn.org/board/topi...95-solved/ . As of May, 2010 the player they are using is still actually capable of working with Flash 7 although this could change.
\tРекомендуется установить Microsoft Office 97 для прокачки системных библиотек.
\t\tRECOMMENDED FIX UPDATES \t Устанавливать по необходимости
-FILE-\tVMM2XUPD.EXE Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 Memory Management Errors With Pentium CPUs VMM.VXD (4.00.1113 for Win95/95a OSR1 + 4.03.1216 for Win95B/95C OSR 2.0/2.5)
-FILE-\tQ175086.exe Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 Regional Settings Errors KERNEL32.DLL (4.00.952 for Win95/95a OSR1, 4.00.1112 for Win95B OSR 2.0 + 4.03.1216 for Win95B/95C OSR 2.1/2.5) + MPRSERV.DLL 4.00.962
-FILE-\tQ273468.EXE Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 IDE Driver ESDI_506.PDR 4.00.1116 + VOLTRACK.VXD (4.00.954 for Win95/OSR1 + 4.00.1112 for Win95B/95C OSR2)
-FILE-\tQ175629.EXE Microsoft Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.x Compatibility Mode With Large Hard Disk ESDI_506.PDR 4.00.1119 If your computer contains an Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE) hard disk that is 8 gigabytes (GB) in size or larger, the Performance tab in System properties may show that the hard disk is using MS-DOS Compatibility mode. MS-DOS Compatibility mode may be in use for either the file system or for virtual memory. You may receive the following message: Compatibility Mode Paging reduces overall system performance In addition, the IDE hard disk controller that the drive is attached to may show an exclamation mark in a yellow circle in Device Manager, indicating a problem with the device.
-FILE-\tQ242934.EXE Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 Shutdown Lockup USER32.DLL + USER.EXE 4.00.954 Windows Stops Responding When Sending System Broadcast Message During Shutdown When you click Shut down and then click OK in the Shut Down Windows dialog box, your computer may stop responding (hang) while the following message is displayed: Windows is shutting down.
-FILE-\tCDVSDUPD.EXE Microsoft Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.x CD/DVD Drive Errors CDVSD.VXD 4.00.1113
-FILE-\tQ274175.EXE Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 8 Levels Deep Folder CD/DVD Copy Error CDFS.VXD (4.00.952 for Win95/95a OSR1 + 4.00.1113 for Win95B/95C OSR2)
-FILE-\tGL240896.EXE Unofficial Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 OpenGL IPF Error OPENGL32.DLL v4.00 4.1.1381.7035
-FILE-\tQ245213.EXE Microsoft Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.x 8 GB Non-MS-DOS Partition Errors FDISK.EXE
-FILE-\tQ282901J.EXE [Japanese] Microsoft Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.x SCSI Devices Unassigned Drive Letters IOS.VXD 4.00.1115 + CONFIGMG.VXD 4.00.1114 Fix:
Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 Network Neighborhood Errors VREDIR.VXD 4.00.1122 Fix: Q238853.EXE [208 KB, English].
Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 PnP Serial Devices Printer Install Error SERENUM.VXD 4.10.2222 Fix: Q242941.EXE [138 KB, English]. Windows 98 SE includes this Fix!
Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 TCP/IP Prematurely Transmitted Packets VTCP.386 4.10.1658 Fix: 236926usa5.exe [172 KB, English].
Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 Hardware Profile Errors IO.SYS Fix: IOSYSUPD.EXE [296 KB, English].
Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 UNC Name Error MPR.DLL 4.00.951 + MPRSERV.DLL 4.00.964 Fix: Q259110.EXE [205 KB, English].
Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 NCP File Error NWREDIR.VXD 4.00.1114 Fix: Q242193.EXE [214 KB, English].
Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 Profiles + Briefcase Errors LINKINFO.DLL 4.00.951 Fix: LINKIUPD.EXE [113 KB, English].
Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 NetWare Servers Delays VCACHE.VXD (4.00.950 for Win95/95a OSR1 + 4.00.1111 for Win95B/95C OSR2) Fix: Q194827.EXE [142 KB, English].
Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 Windows 2000 Domain Users List Error MSAB32.DLL 4.00.950 Fix: Q283032.EXE [160 KB, English].
Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 Cannot Load Windows NT User Profiles SYNCENG.DLL 4.00.951 Fix: SYNCEUPD.EXE [135 KB, English].
-FILE-\tATAPCUPD.EXE +Microsoft Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.x ATAPI CD-ROM Changer Miniport Errors ATAPCHNG.VXD 4.00.1112 Fix: ATAPI CD-ROM changer support is not properly supported in Windows 95 OEM Service Release versions 2, 2.1, and 2.5 (OSR2) when you are using a third-party ATAPI/IDE miniport driver. Q194936
-FILE-\tVPWRUPD.EXE +Microsoft Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.x Standby Resume Error VPOWERD.VXD 4.00.1112 Fix: Q162052 When you suspend and then resume a laptop computer with the hardware Power/Resume button, the computer may power off instead.
-FILE-\tSOCKSVUP.EXE +Microsoft Windows 95B OSR 2.x Zoomed Video Card MPEG Playback Noise SOCKETSV.VXD 4.00.1112 Fix: Q161992 When you are using a computer that supports Zoomed Video (ZV) devices with a Zoomed Video card installed, you may hear extra noise while playing MPEG files.
-FILE- 48BLOSR2.EXE (Опасность потери данных на жестком диске) Unofficial Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.x 48-bit LBA (Logical Block Addressing) > 137 GB (E)IDE/ATAPI Hard Disk Driver ESDI_506.PDR 4.00.1119
-FILE-\tFIX95CPU_V3_FINAL.ZIP I have managed to fix the 2.1GHz CPU limit of Windows 95. Completely with updates from Microsoft... when they claimed there was no fix for this. New or otherwise significant in this version: - Version 3.0 can be used on all Windows 95 versions. (RTM\OSR2) (95\95A\95B\95C) - Version 3.0 addresses specific issues with and better supports Windows 95 RTM. (95\95A) - Version 3.0 makes the proper registry entries that would be made if AMDK6UPD.EXE and the other updates were installed under Windows 95. - Version 3.0 includes a Processor-specific HotFix for Windows 95B OSR2. It is not needed on other versions of 95. - Version 3.0 no longer includes or mandates the installation of DUN14-95.EXE. Still "recommended." - Version 3.0 can be installed before or after the "Windows Protection Error in IOS" has been displayed. (Before is still the preferred method.) - Version 3.0 can patch a Windows 95 installation in directories other than C:\WINDOWS. - Version 3.0 includes further updated versions of some system files contained in the AMDK6UPD.EXE patch, rendering AMDK6UPD.EXE obsolete. - Version 3.0 includes PTCHCDFS, a free update by Rudolph Loew that corrects the displayed size of DVD media. List of Issues (MSKB Articles) FIXED by this update: Q192841 - Difficulties Using AMD K6-2 or Athlon Central Processing Unit Q234259 - Revision to AMD K6-2/350 Central Processing Unit Update Q312108 - Windows Protection Error in NDIS with CPU Faster Than 2.1 GHz Q231942 - Cannot Undock Notebook Computer with LS-120 Removable Drive Q175629 - Large IDE Hard Disk May Run In Compatibility Mode Q274175 - Error Opening/Copying File/Folder Eight Levels Deep on CD-ROM Q159153 - Error Messages While Backing Up to Some Floppy Disk Drives
\tOPTi FireStar Chipset
-FILE-\tPCIMPUPD.EXE [English]. Microsoft Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.x OPTi FireStar Chipset Not Recognized PCIMP.PCI 4.00.1113 + MACHINE.INF Fix: Computers with an OPTi Fire Star 82c700 chip set may not pass the "PCI IRQ Routing Table Test" portion of the Windows Hardware Compatibility Test (HCT) 7.1. Error messages may include: Error: Verifying IRQ Routing Link Values Error: Unknown Chipset. Cannot Verify. Problems were encountered with this machine's IRQ Routing Table that prevent it from being PC 97 Compliant. The device may or may not function normally otherwise. Q174733
\tOnly for LS-120
-FILE-\tDISKUPD.EXE Microsoft Windows 95B OSR 2.0/2.1 Fatal Exception With LS-120 Drive DISKVSD.VXD 4.00.1114 Fix:
-FILE-\tQ231942.EXE [English]. Microsoft Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.x LS-120 Portable Computer Undock Errors IOS.VXD 4.00.1114 Fix: Requires AMD CPUs Fix above already installed! You cannot undock a notebook computer when an LS-120 IDE Floptical drive is installed in the docking station. NOTE: You must install the AMD-K6-2 update before installing this hotfix. To work around this problem, shut down the computer before you undock the notebook computer.
\tonly for english version windows 95
-FILE-\tSHELLUPD.EXE [488 KB, for English version win95]. Microsoft Windows 95/95a OSR1/95B OSR 2.0/2.1 UNC Share SHELL32.DLL 4.00.955 Fix: Q160807 Do NOT install this SHELL32.DLL Fix IF MS Internet Explorer 4/5 with Active Desktop (View As Web Page) already installed!reliable methods for exposing information about UI elements.
-FILE-\tQ237956.EXE [155 KB, for English version win95] Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 Screen Saver Password Vulnerability PASSWORD.CPL 4.00.954 Fix:
-FILE-\tQ237493.EXE [159 KB, for English version win95]. Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 System Date Error TIMEDATE.CPL 4.00.955 Fix:
Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 NoFind Policy Error EXPLORER.EXE 4.00.952 Fix: EXPLUPD.EXE [193 KB, English]. Do NOT install this EXPLORER.EXE Fix IF MS Internet Explorer 4/5 with Active Desktop (View As Web Page) already installed! Q172648
Unofficial Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 256 Colors Icons Explorer EXPLORER.EXE 4.00.953 Fix: EXPLOR95.EXE [210 KB, English]. Do NOT install this EXPLORER.EXE Fix IF MS Internet Explorer 4/5 with Active Desktop (View As Web Page) already installed!
Microsoft Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.x SMS Remote Control Lockup GDI32.DLL + GDI.EXE 4.00.955 Fix: Q247578.EXE [380 KB, English]. More info. Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) 1.3 installs NEWER GDI32.DLL + GDI.EXE 4.01.971!
-FILE-\tMSAA_13_SDK.EXE Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) 1.3 installs NEWER USER32.DLL + USER.EXE 4.01.971! Microsoft Active Accessibility is a Component Object Model (COM)-based technology that improves the way accessibility aids work with applications running on Microsoft Windows. It provides dynamic-link libraries that are incorporated into the operating system as well as a COM interface and API elements that provide
Microsoft Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.x GPF/IPF Errors MSGSRV32.EXE 4.00.1112 Fix: MSGSRVUP.ZIP [9 KB, English].
-FILE-\tSYSDMUPD.EXE [English] Microsoft Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.x Driver Update Errors SYSDM.CPL 4.00.1112 Fix: Q170325 When you update an existing device driver in Windows 95 OEM Service Release 2 (OSR2) using Device Manager, the new driver files may not be copied from the source disk or folder. The existing files in the OSR2 installation may be copied instead
\t\tTOOLS \t(Опасность потери данных с жесткого диска)
WARNING: Users of ScanDisk (ScanDskw.exe + SCANDISK.EXE) and DiskMinder (DMindr32.exe + DMDOS.EXE): DO NOT ALLOW BOOT AREA OR BOOT BLOCK REPAIR BY ANY DISK TOOLS in Windows 95/OSR2/98/98 SE/ME, especially on newer generation hard disks and/or motherboards/chipsets! Such repair options WILL DESTROY THE BOOT DISK PARTITION TABLE/BOOT AREA! If your computer seems to boot correctly, IGNORE these so-called error messages (if any).
EXPLANATION: The motherboard BIOS may be using the partition table/boot block areas to store information, or this could be related to FAT32/FAT32X partition, chipsets and/or motherboard types. This so-called problem can happen more than once, or may NEVER go away, even if your hard disk(s) operate(s) properly. If you still wish to try fixing this, make sure to use the DiskMinder BACKUP FLOPPY option, BUT DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK!
-FILE-\tSCANFRAG.EXE Defrag + ScanDisk: Microsoft Disk Defragmenter (DEFRAG.EXE 4.90.3000 from Windows ME), Hardware Diagnostic Tool (HWINFO.EXE 4.90.3000 from Windows ME), System Configuration (MECONFIG.EXE 4.90.3001 from Windows ME Q272719 Hotfix), Disk Scanner (SCANDSKW.EXE 4.90.3000 + SCANDISK.EXE from Windows ME), Registry Editor (REGEDIT.EXE 4.90.3000 from Windows ME = modified to work with all Windows 95/98 releases), Registry Scanner (SCANREGW.EXE 4.10.1998 + SCANREG.EXE from Windows 98 SE), SCANREG.INI Editor [SREDIT.EXE from Windows 98 Resource Kit (RK)], MSDOS.SYS Editor [BOOTEDIT.EXE from Windows 98 Resource Kit (RK)], System File Checker (SFC.EXE 4.10.2222 from Windows 98 SE) + File Manager (WINFILE.EXE 4.10.1999 16-bit from Windows 98 SE Q267375 Hotfix = modified with custom 256 colors bitmaps + icons) Tools for Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2/98/98 SP1/98 SE: SCANFRAG.EXE [1.12 MB, English]. WARNING: MUST see "USE WINME DEFRAG + SCANDSKW WITH WIN95/98"
-FILE-\tBHDD31.ZIP Big Hard Disk Drive (BHDD): Big Hard Disk Drive (BHDD) 3.1 tools for Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2/98/98 SP1/98 SE: Fixed FORMAT.COM (also installed by FDSKFRMT.EXE), Fixed FDISK.EXE (also installed by FDSKFRMT.EXE), Disk Defragmenter (DEFRAG.EXE 4.90.3000, also installed by SCANFRAG.EXE) + Disk Scanner [SCANDSKW.EXE 4.90.3000 (Windows mode) + SCANDISK.EXE (native DOS mode), also installed by SCANFRAG.EXE] + Improved Hard Disk Driver ESDI_506.PDR 4.10.2230 (Win98 SE only, also installed by ATADRV98.EXE): BHDD 3.1 [474 KB, English]. BHDD 3.1 [477 KB, French]. BHDD 3.0 [373 KB, Czech]. WARNING: MUST see "USE WINME DEFRAG + SCANDSKW WITH WIN95/98",
-FILE-\tMSINFO95.EXE Tools 95: Microsoft Disk Defragmenter (DEFRAG.EXE 4.90.3000 from Windows ME), Dr. Watson Diagnostics (DRWATSON.EXE 4.03 from Windows 98 SE), System Configuration (MSCONFIG.EXE 4.10.2223 from Windows 98 SE Q239887 Hotfix), MS System Information 32-bit (MSINFO32.EXE 4.20.2000.2521 from MS Office 2000), Disk Scanner (SCANDSKW.EXE 4.90.3000 from Windows ME), Registry Editor (REGEDIT.EXE 4.90.3000 from Windows ME = modified to work with all Windows 95/98 releases), Registry Scanner (SCANREGW.EXE 4.10.1998 + SCANREG.EXE from Windows 98 SE) + System File Checker (SFC.EXE 4.10.2222 from Windows 98 SE) Tools for Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 This NEWer DRWATSON.EXE does NOT work with Windows 95B OSR 2.1 IF USBSUP already installed! WARNING: MUST see "USE WINME DEFRAG + SCANDSKW WITH WIN95/98",
-FILE-\tDISKMIND.EXE DiskMinder: Helix DiskMinder Hard Disk Scanner + Repair tools v1.03 improved Microsoft ScanDskw for Windows (SCANDSKW.EXE) + ScanDisk for DOS (SCANDISK.EXE) replacements DMindr32 32-bit (DMINDR32.EXE) for Windows 9x/ME + DmDOS 16-bit (DMDOS.EXE) for MS-DOS 5/6/7/8: WARNING: MUST see "USE WINME DEFRAG + SCANDSKW WITH WIN95/98",
-FILE-\tTOOLS9X.EXE Improved Tools: Unofficial Windows 95/98/ME 32-bit improved Add/Remove Programs (PROGRAMS.EXE), Connection/Network Status (IPTEST.EXE) + Shutdown/Reboot/Logoff (SHUTDOWN.EXE) replacement tools:
\t\tНеобязательные обновления \t (Эти обновления можно не устанавливать)
-FILE-\tdlc32upd.exe Win95 DLC Protocol Driver Upd (06/18/97) The Data Link Control (DLC) protocol is used primarily to access IBM mainframe and IBM® AS/400 computers. The32-bit DLC protocol software for Windows 95 enables a network administrator to add support for 32-bit and 16-bit DLC programs. Host terminal emulation programs use this protocol to communicate directly with mainframe computers. The 32-bit protocol software: Supports Windows-based 32-bit programs that use CCB2. Supports 16-bit programs (MS-DOS™ and Windows) that use CCB1. Provides connectivity to local area printers connected directly to the network. For example, you can use DLC to print to a printer (such as a Hewlett-Packard® LaserJet 4Si) that uses an HP JetDirect network adapter to connect directly to the network.
-FILE-\tQ239918.EXE [English]. DLC Protocol Driver Upd Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 NDIS Errors DLC.VXD 4.10.996 Fix:
-FILE-\twpnpins.exe Internet Print Service (6/8/99) This beta release makes it easier to manage Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT Workstation 4.0 environments. Send your documents to the printers of friends, co-workers, and partners as easily as you send documents to your own printer and the receiver can retrieve the hard copy from their local printer. They do not need to print the document themselves. The document quality is significantly higher than a fax, and, depending on your Internet connection, the speed is faster.
-FILE-\thhupd.exe HTML Help File Code Execution Vulnerability (6/2/00) (HTML СПРАВКА 1.32)
-FILE-\t266772usa5.exe Quick Fix Engineering (QFE) for Win95 (7/12/00)
-FILE-\tNWNBLUPD.EXE Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 NetBIOS IPX/SPX With Dial-Up Networking (DUN) Errors NWNBLINK.VXD 4.00.952 Fix: When Windows 95 is configured to use the IPX/SPX-compatible protocol with NetBIOS support enabled to communicate over a Dial-Up Networking connection, you may receive an error message indicating that the NetBIOS name is already in use if you use a program that uses NetBIOS over IPX/SPX. A Dial-Up Networking connection that uses a different protocol (such as TCP/IP or NetBEUI) may work correctly. Q175055
-FILE-\tKB250876.EXE +Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 Print Queue Errors NWPP32.DLL 4.00.956 Q250876 A printer queue may appear to be offline and you may not be able to print. The status of current print jobs is not available while the printer queue is offline. How to install NWPP32.DLL fix on Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2: Create C:\TEMP (example) from a DOS box: MD C:\TEMP Download KB250876.EXE into C:\TEMP . Run: C:\TEMP\KB250876.EXE /C /Q /T:C:\TEMP Run: RUNDLL32 ADVPACK.DLL,LaunchINFSection C:\TEMP\250876UP.INF,DefaultInstall Delete C:\TEMP . Reboot.
Unofficial Windows 95/98/ME SERVICES Update: SERVIC9X.EXE [130 KB, English]
Unofficial Windows 95/98/ME + MS-DOS 7.00/7.10/8.00 DOS Help System HELP.HLP Update [654 KB, English].. HELPHLP.EXE
Unofficial Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 File Manager GPF WINFILE.EXE 4.00.952 Fix: WINFIL95.EXE [320 KB, English].
Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 Group Policies Error On Windows NT Domain GROUPPOL.DLL Fix: GROUPUPD.EXE [153 KB, English]
Microsoft Windows 95/OSR1/OSR2 PostScript Printer Skips Blank Pages PSCRIPT.DRV 4.00.952 Fix: When you print to an ECP (Enhanced Capability Port) port, you may experience any of the following symptoms: •\tYou may receive an error message. The error messages can include: The port is busy. Error writing to LPT1. •\tThe printout may be incorrect. Incorrect output can include incorrectly printed graphics or incomplete pages. •\tThe printer may go offline when you try to print. •\tYou may receive no printout. •\tThe print job may hang the print spooler. You must restart the computer to clear the hung print job. Q153461 PRNTUPD.EXE [278 KB, English].
Microsoft Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.x CardBus Adapter Lockup VMM.VXD 4.03.1217 Fix: Q247965.EXE [299 KB, English]. Requires USB Service Update Pack (USBSUP) already installed!
Microsoft Windows 95a OSR1/95B/95C OSR2.x Data/Fax/Voice Modems Unimodem V 4.10.1343 Update: a5582.zip [194 KB, English]. MUST install OLDER Unimodem V Update below BEFORE installing this NEWER Unimodem V Update![/q]
Необходимые файлы найдете здесь https://yadi.sk/d/8nZfuBM-vYNoVКритика приветствуется, как и советы по улучшению и оптимизации инструкции. p.s. вся моя коллекция обновлений для Windows95 https://yadi.sk/d/06f_NgisvYUfW |