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Полигон-2 » Другие архитектуры » Laptop Atari 800XE |
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Откуда: Moscow Всего сообщений: 41 Рейтинг пользователя: 0 Ссылка Дата регистрации на форуме: 2 мар. 2008 |
2krupkaj Yes, I know of cource. Beetle made a very impressive thing. Absolutely modern design, but so stylish and beautiful. :-) |
krupkaj |
yes, the notebook is beautiful. It has even batteries inside and it can run for 3 hours from them. BTW how many Ataris are in Russia? I mean not only 8bit, but ST/Falcon too. Is there some library of Russian programs / games / demos? I would like to know that. |
Откуда: Moscow Всего сообщений: 41 Рейтинг пользователя: 0 Ссылка Дата регистрации на форуме: 2 мар. 2008 |
2krupkaj Hi. You asked VERY serious and interesting question. Many thanks. :-) At first, It' ONLY my opinion... There were the time when no one could say which of PERSONAL machines is The Best One. (Excluding MACers of course. They always knows ALL THINGS! :-)) As far as it's concearned Ataris in Russia, they(computers) comes to country GLOBALLY!!! (massively) ... With Perestroyka. Really - some times earlier... :-) (Русские медленно запрягают, но быстро ездят. Pls. try to translate. It's very like a life.) Why? Obviously - Ataris are colorful, they have it's own sound, they ... And they costs really cheap, in contrary to MACs. They have been used as GAMES TERMINALs in computer's clubs. So, there are thousands of Ataris in Russia now, (I have 2 130XE F.E.) but ... There was no ONE SECOND in Atari LIFE in Russia! When businesmen from clubs opened that buying IBM with covox CGA etc. is more cheapear or more supplied by GAMES or more suitable to view from screen... The era of atari ended. :-( No one second... to make sence WHAT is Atari! By the way, almost all the musicians in Russia have used 520, 1040 ... of cource!!! As far as it's concearned programs or russian creativity... No chance. Only customisation and only russification. May be... But musitians... They are NOT Atari... Only uses it. Please remember NO ONE SECOND without competition with IBM PC. (By the way. Only few monthes I worked with Amstrad 8088 as workstation. Then IBM 8086. Then ... like a waterfall.) And ... I successfully remember the cartridge of Atari Writer russification. :-) I owned adopted disk drive from SBG ltd. Ask KMK for it, pls. Atariki has very good pictures of russian Atari floppy drive. (I'm proud! It may be mine !!!!!!!!!!) Also, I'm proud that modern PCs (And MACs (ha-ha)) architecture is: Proc+Sound-I/O+Video) - and it's NO MORE then ATARI of 85th. Best wishes, XE |
krupkaj |
Hi, Interesting information. I am asking because my friend is running archive with games and demos for 8bit Atari - http://atari.fandal.cz There are thousands of entries these days. So I thought maybe you have something interesting which we had no chance to have. I know KMK and his hardrive, it is nice piece of hardware. I am using SIO2IDE with compact flash adapter with my 8bit Atari. It is not so fast as KMK, but works nice. Is this the floppy drive you were writing about? http://atariki.krap.pl/index.php/D.8002_HS I know that somebody translated the Teradesk - desktop for Atari ST, but thats all what I knew about Russian Atari scene BTW my Russian is not very good, although I learned it for some years in elementary school. But I can login here and can understand whats going on ![]() Greetings krupkaj |
Откуда: Moscow Всего сообщений: 41 Рейтинг пользователя: 0 Ссылка Дата регистрации на форуме: 2 мар. 2008 |
Hi, krupkaj. Thank you for your early reply. :-) Some words about floppy... One day, when my drive stopped to read data, I brought it to 'Фрактал' (Fractalus - a little firm having deal with Atari, Amiga etc. ) for reparing. I have had some bucks to pay for it. But ... The crisis has come! This bucks went to pay for life, 'Фрактал' became dead and my drive has vaporized in time... There is the reason why I'm so glad to see again fotos of 'Old Good Friend' on Atariki. :-) Some words about fandal's archive. Very impressive and great collection. Now I have some Atari's diskettes (May be 20 or little more), but obviously I have not drive to read them. Nevertheless, I think there are NOT any russian program. Sorry about that. Please remember, there were many mashines in Russia, but there weren't any documentation here. How to programm? I read about KMK drive. May be the only HW using ECI. Technically it's very well-taken. I think It's great work and they are very talanted peoples. :-) But only one thing... I guess, there are may be some interferentions with cartridges. (I don't know is the cartridge using even possible with KMK harddrive interface.) So, obviously, I thought about SIO2IDE too. (I remember that SIO port is noted as Peripherals port in Atari. :-) ) But the strange thing. SIO=serial, IDE=parallel. Another UART? Why not SIO2SATA? There are SIO2SD interface too... Today I don't know really what is better. May I ask you about SIO2PC? Some days ago I soldered one. I used Nick Kennedy's 4.19 schematic, slightly changed for MAX233 using (lowerizes soldering). ![]() And when I tried to connect to PC with APE trial I've got strange dataflow stallings. About 1 minute. Then dataflow self restored. May be there are exist some decision for that case? Good luck, XE PS Приятно знать, что Вы учили русский. :-) |
krupkaj |
Hi XE! it is a pity that your floppy drive is lost... KMK drive is not the only hardware which use ECI. There are several other devices. here is short list of devices which I know, and I believe there are other * Black Box - SCSI adapter + floppy driver + serial & comm ports - comes from USA - http://krupkaj.ic.cz/showpic.php?show=Uncon2k5&obr=38 * Aritma 0507 plotter interface - comes from Czech * TurboFreezer - comes from Germany - http://krupkaj.ic.cz/showpic.php?show=Forever-e&obr=43 I do not know why there is not SIO2SATA, but the SIO2IDE(CF) is very easy interface. There is just one IC (ATMEGA microcontroler) in the simplest version and it works just standard floppy. But it can run at high speed (72Kb) as ultra speed drives and it is possible to have upto 16MB disks. On the medium are ATR images which are mapped to D1-D8 using configuration application. I have not tried the MAX233 but it looks like there are problems with command signal. I have SIO2PC with 2 chips MAX232 nad 7403 connected according this: ![]() Greetings krupkaj (Сообщение отредактировал krupkaj 29 марта 2008 14:43) (Сообщение отредактировал krupkaj 29 марта 2008 14:44) |
Откуда: Moscow Всего сообщений: 41 Рейтинг пользователя: 0 Ссылка Дата регистрации на форуме: 2 мар. 2008 |
Hi, krupkaj! Oh, today is the great day! SIO2PC based on MAX233 is now alive! The fact is - 50% of HW problems is in HUMANITY being. I downloaded APE some monthes ago. I played with it, but unsuccessfully. It's HW relative program. But I changed default settings at all!!! I worked with bad settings... When I tried to install and test freshly downloaded APE in Virtual environment I accidentially take a look on settings and ... simply changed it on main installation. And now I'm feeling good! It was my first sucsessful soldering at all! Many thanks for your support. It's so kind. :-) As far as it's concearned floppy - it's carma. You know of cource that ideology of Atari is using intellectual periferals, and what can be more intellectual than PC now? It's a life... :-) Using APE is mainstream of Atari Life. It looks MUCH MORE unconveniently than MAC Publicity. Best wishes. XE |
Advanced Member
Пользователь Откуда: Город Герой Киев Всего сообщений: 474 Рейтинг пользователя: 0 Ссылка Дата регистрации на форуме: 2 апр. 2003 |
Можно без умняка просто купить за доллар на радиорынке линковальный кабель от устаревшего мобильного телефона там внутри собранная схема на 232 :-) Самый "тупой" способ загрузки - есть программы которые переводят файл с игрой на звуковой формат для записи на простой МОНОФОНИЧЕСКИЙ магнитофон. Запускаем программу и на аудио выход звуковой карты подключаем переходник-кассету для автомобильных магнитофонов. "Кассету" вставляем в "стример", все! |
Откуда: Moscow Всего сообщений: 41 Рейтинг пользователя: 0 Ссылка Дата регистрации на форуме: 2 мар. 2008 |
2Arthur77 Я ведь читал Ваш предыдущий пост :-). Пересмотрел все схемы на 232-233. Конечно, sio2pc и даталинк - то же самое... Честно скажу. Решение понравилось, это правильный способ... но поскольку все кабельки запаяны в пластик и мало кто дает в инет схемы своих даталинков, а Вы не даете марку ТАКОГО, пригодного кабеля, то я и спаял сам ... Работает вовсю :-). XE |
Откуда: Moscow Всего сообщений: 41 Рейтинг пользователя: 0 Ссылка Дата регистрации на форуме: 2 мар. 2008 |
2Arthur77 Вы имеете ввиду переходник для проигрывания mp3 в автомобильных магнитолах? И впрямь прикольное решение. :-) |
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