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Полигон-2 » Старый софт » Софт для XT + CGA |
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Накидайте, плиз, линков на коллекции софта для XT с CGA'шным видео. ![]() А может, кто-то выложит свои архивы? |
Schicchi |
http://www.vetusabandonware.com/ http://www.bookcase.com/library/software/#msdos ftp://ftp.oldskool.org/pub/misc/xtfiles.rar "=== Introduction: This archive is a snapshot of my 8088 development box: An IBM 5160 (the original PC/XT) upgraded with an EMS board and an IDE drive. I'm making this snapshot available for anyone who obtains an old computer (386 and earlier) and would like to play around with it. Everything for tinkering is included, including (but nowhere near limited to) tasm and a86 for assembler development, various sound and graphics programs, utilities for hard disk and floppy disk formatting, troubleshooting, and defragmentation, FastLynx for transferring files over serial/parallel cable, TSRs like nnansi for massivly speeding up text screen updates and ncache2 for the "best disk cache in the world", PC speaker sound programs that play multiple notes at the same time, like Music Construction Set and Pianoman, applications like TaskTimer for managing your time and The Running Program for getting in shape, programs to help interface to the Internet (I personally use the FTP server to get files on and off the machine), and of course games. It's my hope that you will be able to spend hours and hours exploring what's here and have a good time. And, if you poke around enough, you'll find the (buggy) source code to the 8088 Corruption player as well as my (non-buggy) CGA graphics library. === Snapshot Notes: This isn't some archive or compilation, it's an actual snapshot of a running 8088 machine with CGA. This means everything in this archive works just fine on the real hardware, as it wouldn't be on my 8088's hard drive if it didn't! You've also probably noticed that all of this would never fit onto a 10MB MFM drive — hec k, it won't fit onto a 100MB drive! You are meant to uncompress this archive on a modern machine and then move things over as needed. I've also UNcompressed most if not all of the .exes and .coms if they were previously compressed with exepack, lhexe, or pklite. This was done for two reasons: 1. They load a heck of a lot quicker on 4.77MHz machines, and 2. some of the compressors had obscure bugs that crashed the machine — unpacking them made those problems go away." |
Schicchi, спасибо большое! |
Неужели больше ни у кого ничего нет на тему сабжа? ![]() |
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Полигон-2 » Старый софт » Софт для XT + CGA |
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