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VIA 386-VC-H - странности с памятью

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Откуда: Тамбов
Всего сообщений: 2410
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Дата регистрации на форуме:
2 мая 2007
А в другой мамке, кешу всего 128 К, а мозгов 8 метров заводятся нормально...
Advanced Member

Откуда: Енакиево
Всего сообщений: 4373
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Дата регистрации на форуме:
16 янв. 2008
STIW, по поводу той ошибки himem'а с сайта MS:
ERROR: HIMEM.SYS has detected unreliable XMS memory at address XXXX:XXXXh. XMS driver not installed.

This error may be caused by a fault in the computer's external cache controller or by bad or mismatched memory chips on the external cache (generally 64, 128, or 256K cache SRAM). If disabling the external cache does not correct this problem, there may be a problem with the motherboard at the current processor speed, A20 handler problems, or bad or mismatched main system RAM chips.

Use the following troubleshooting procedures to isolate the cause of the XMS test failure: Disable the external cache (also known as "secondary cache" or "CPU cache") in CMOS. For information about how to do so, refer to the documentation included with your computer or contact your hardware manufacturer.

NOTE: If disabling the external cache corrects the problem, replace the memory (SRAM) on the cache with the type and speed chips recommended by your hardware manufacturer. If this does not correct the problem, you may have a bad cache controller. Contact your hardware manufacturer for more information.
Disable Turbo in CMOS.
Disable Fast Gate A20 and Fast A20 Display in CMOS.
Try different machine switches with HIMEM.SYS (/M:2, 11, 12, and 13). For more information on this procedure, type "help HIMEM.SYS" (without the quotation marks) at the MS-DOS command prompt.
Replace main system RAM chips with the type and speed memory modules recommended by your hardware manufacturer.
Это отсюда:
Advanced Member

Откуда: Тамбов
Всего сообщений: 2410
Рейтинг пользователя: 0


Дата регистрации на форуме:
2 мая 2007
Хм... Значит, всё-таки, может и кеш глючить...
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